... I could eat 3 roast dinners and not put any weight on. I could walk for miles with no pain. Fast forward to today and I can barely eat a sandwich without feeling sick and bloated. I have put on soo much weight that my legs can barely support me. I can’t even do up my shoelaces and my feet swell up after I take 5 steps. And yes! I have gone cold turkey on my happy pills. Ggggrrrrr. Lol
6 months ago....: ... I could eat... - British Liver Trust
6 months ago....

That sounds like ascites and/or oedema but you said there's nothing to drain... Sorry no idea what's happening but wish you a speedy recovery.

Thanks for that. I just needed a bit of a moan.
Sounds about par for the course. Getting fluid out of your legs can be difficult. I gave up with shoes. Did manage to get around in my trainers but didn't bother with the laces, the little stub of lace that was left barely reached out of the lace hole, so no way of tying. Used to walk round the office in my socks.
Hope you start to improve very soon.
I too have put weight on and can't understand why, get very bloated too. Everything hurts when I walk, around my liver and feet hurt tremendously. Take care Lynne
Thanks Lynne. Are you sure that we are not related lol. I have the exact same problems as you haha. Still, every day is a new challenge/drama to overcome. Once our weight issue gets sorted, something else will come along.