When a/e ongoing worsening pain bloating pain feeling full canny pu a bra o as it torcher itching more nausea worstening confused I believed it was January aggressive all the sympoms when so I'll on drink as dependent-
Blood is fine abdominal and pelvic ct scan with contrast dye went in arm done it in other one; that was Monday told tody
A/E told me that I could not show him a letter from another county and that the incidental finding was not cirrhosis.
I showed him an update near letter from hospital that I was in and it said Meningomia in head incidental and that I needed thiamine vitamin strong b compound a physiatrist asap for PTSD and that I have micro nodular cirrhosis as of my very abused drinking and I neede to see hemptoligist and also manage ment of my chronic liver desease.
A\E said that all tests fine and ain't I happy but you can have that diagnosis if I want .
I then went like a lunatic of you read 3letters different Drs same diagnosis I was embarristed that in front of all I am lying and I could not explained I'm so I'll with many overlapping things and I cannot explain the confused as f . Why did they diagnosis me that and the feeling you all no fear then being told I do not have it I'm sorry he read that letter he never new it was that hospital I am question my sanity it looks like I have been playing on people's sympathy please let him be right it's gone but I'm gomnna get in rouble saying your all mad putting people down jet I lost the plot I'm really bad please why what going on they would not let me see mental health as I'm still in system of refferalls .
Lost phone in cab just to finish the day asks alchol and drug based in hospital said I'm doing well don't need them no I live in isolated hell is it true it's gone I have no cirrhosis can I be allowed to think the dr is talking shit I want to be free from this and even so I will never drink again please why they doing this to me . Have they made mistake I'm not lying I feel this is inhuman mind f