Welcome to my little corner of this forum. My name is Kristian and I live in Eccles, Manchester. I underwent a Liver Transplant at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) in April 2017. I'm new here but not new to liver disease. Been there and got the t-shirt, lol.
Over the years I've been described as a medical mystery, diagnostic dilemma and just plain and simple "strange". Although the latter not by anyone in the medical profession, :-).
I've had abnormal LFTs since 2007, Liver Fibrosis diagnosed in 2010, liver cirrhosis in 2013 and eventually a Liver Transplant in April 2017. Initially diagnosed as cryptogenic cirrhosis in 2013 as cause was unclear but following transplant cause confirmed as suggestive of Primary Schlerosing Cholangitis (PSC).
Dealt with those lovely things like fatigue, eodema (yes, I too have looked like the "Mr. Stay Puffed Marshmellow Man"), ascites (fortunately rather mild), sickness, sepsis, acute kidney injury / renal failure, portal hypertension, varices, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) and of course liver transplant.
Happy to share my experiences and also learn from others.
My advice to anyone with Liver disease - stay positive. When it comes to the crunch, its amazing how beneficial that is.