Since being diagnosed with cirrhosis last July iv noticed my sex drive has been nearly non existent is this common with alcohol related cirrhosis or has anyone else had these type of problems or know a solution to help?
no Sex drive : Since being diagnosed... - British Liver Trust
no Sex drive

Common with all cirrhosis not just alcohol related. Amongst it's 500 functions the liver takes to do with hormone regulation and male patients might have a reduction in testosterone and increase in oestrogen and there is a knock on effect of loss of libido and sexual function, testicular shrinkage, loss of male pattern body hair and formation of gynaecomastia (breast enlargement).
No treatment has ever been offered despite our discussing the matter with with doctors often during hubbies illness. No function or interest in that department for years (& prior to diagnosis) despite being newly weds.
Thanks Katie as I swear my wife thought I was having an affair, I can now show her your comments, thanks again you really are a great help
Lots of pages on line about it but sadly it is a symptom of advanced liver disease. Page at:-
I stopped drinking nearly 3yrs no sex drive nothing yes same 4yrs nothing it's not you don't want to it's like that part of me has gone and its soul destroying for u and your partner dealing with all the emotions and this one has no explanation so it hard enough being like we are and also trying to explain to a loved one you just don't have that feeling .yes I no feel being worried and think it's def a lot things.had to let you no u ain't on your own sorry I can answer it as I don't no as well
So it never comes back? My husband was highly sexual before his diagnoses. It's been 4 months and no interest.
We are 8 years on from diagnosis and nothing, doesn't even get the morning erection that many men get. No interest let alone function. Whether anyone gets it back I don't know but certainly in the 10 years i've known my hubby there has been no sexual function.
I believe it comes back (and sometimes big style) post transplant.
Omg! Thank you responding. We have been together 31 years and have always had an active sex life. He just turned 50....this is horrible. I know he feels bad but it's something that has only been brought up 1 time since all this started. Just absolutely no signs it's coming back. He seems fine, eats what he wants drinks what he wants..not alcohol, and has at least started doing things around here. I'm not sure what we are in store for? He was diagnosed with alcoholic hepatitis and spent a week in ICU. He seems to think he's healed. Can this recovery last? I just don't know what's going on or what I should be watching for. Thank you so much for sharing.
Concerned Wife
The one good thing about any alcohol related liver disease is that the fix is pretty simple i.e. continued sobriety. Ok, sometimes when it has gone too far then the damage to the liver can progress but often if caught soon enough and alcohol ceased then the liver can recover to a good degree.
My hubbies condition is auto immune related and he had cirrhosis before we even knew he had an issue with his health at all.
For more details on alcohol related liver disease and also about cirrhosis the British Liver Trust has excellent pages infact the whole website is terrific.
All the best,
I had the same problem, no drive whatsoever. I had pretty much resigned myself to it, but after my transplant it has all returned to normal. To be fair, I was so ill that I didn't really miss it and never even considered that it would return. I know this doesn't help you just now, but it does go to show that improved liver function sorts out so many problems.
Agreed after transplant it sorts it self out very quickly.
What if you don't need one I don't no what's gonna happen to me then!not that I well enough or got any energy .thought I try make you or someone laugh but it's true what I'm saying.
Hope your ok
Don't despair. I had just gone through menopause - uneventfully, when I got my alcoholic cirrohsis diagnosis (and nearly died). A year on and not "not taking it lying it down"!! I have got it back by refusing to give up. I am end stage, but recovering - now I do not need listing for a transplant. I had a lot of complications and several hospital admissions, such as for spontaenous perintontis due to ascites (so bloated couldn't care for myself and was housebound). The key for me was stopping alcohol, did so as soon as I was taken ill. I don't miss drinking, but think of how I have suffered due to excess drinking. If you want to, you can take charge of your life and get good quality of it again. Don't despair, there is always hope. Best wishes.

Well said couchiebear, I'm in the same situation God bless.
It's called getting old
Definitely disappeared and others who returned after transplant are lucky because my husband says I should go and join the nuns ...
Sorry but I did laugh about about nuns , and I hope your both ok and sorted that one out as the shock of being told what's wrong with you and I could not bring myself to ask a dr . So your post helped me that I'm not alone with them no go feelings thank you .
Hi its fine I have to laugh myself just wanted to let you know though I am a year post transplant and it has took me that long to actually get the gp and consultants to take me serious I am now just waiting until January to see a gynaecology and endciroligy to check my hormone levels... The first female consultant was a week ago and she is one who has listened to me she did inform me that she has another female patient who just isn't producing enough testerone and has now got patches which would explain a lot as pre transplant I had an above normal level and was like a dog on heat lol so if it carries on for you after transplant just make sure you put your foot down 😀 even though some meds can lower your sex drive x
Sorry mate, can only confirm yes that does happen with cirrhosis of any type.
In the last 5 months leading up to the liver transplant my sex drive was also non existent. Shortly after the surgery, everything went back to normal. I was able to resume having sex from 6 weeks post transplant. There is one unwanted side effect with the new liver though. I think it's now causing premature ejaculation. Whereas before and after the diagnosis I would last at least 15 minutes, many times much longer (not boasting, sex with a damaged liver can become tiresome and downright tedious), now I'm done within a few minutes. I was told by one of the consultants a healthy liver can balance the hormones better, thus causing ejaculation quicker. I was just hoping it would last longer than 3 minutes 😔.
Anyway good luck with your cirrhosis! Have you started any treatment yet? Best thing to do is eat healthy and keep fit, hopefully that will reverse some of the damage or at least prevent any further damage.

I'm so glad that I can understand me self and people like yourself put what you did .
I'm a women that ain't had any since before my total abdominal hysterectomy still was chronic drinker after that op stopped drinking that was nearly 3years ago .
A year ago had total hip replacement and believe me liver and back and hip It's horrible but I'm still here and for being to the point and now I'm feeling it's normal and I don't feel like a weirdo a.
When being assessed for the transplant I asked one of the co-ordinators if libido would return. I was told there are no certainties and no promises. I asked exactly the same about my type 2 diabetes ( difficult to control and on 4 injections of insulin daily).
Within a week my blood glucose were completely within the non diabetic range. The libido - almost immediate return to normal ( whatever normal might be ). I even had my chest hair back within a short time, enough to hide my scar.
This was my experience, it has to be remembered that we are all different.
Unfortunately it’s a common thing and I’m lucky I have a very understanding partner . We are getting there but it takes time. I think being female I have drawn a slightly better straw than being a male , but hold in there !
I really liked war you put as my partner now x had no understand and yes being a women it's hard enough to get any drive hence I'm alone .yes how gutted I can't keep a relationship down.but good side to it now I don't have to feel like I did with them .
Replying to me own self,
I did not mean to offend anyone it's not why I'm on me own , multiple reasons , basically lay mans terms
I didn't mean that was only issue so please if your like me it don't mean you end up on your own as many people on hear have true loving partners and just one last thing if your going threw that horrible terrible feelings at such a shock time that unless you no that some illnesses medication as well .
If like me you don't nowhere I now no that others samehave no drive in them sort of things so now someone else's post helped merit thanks
You made me day I'm serious but laughing,
On serious note i don't think or basically I'm being told nothing as I no what I have and what it means and I am getting every 2 months really bad but bloods are ok and when I went a/e the dr never come back with the answer I don't no what stage of illness and not knowing.
is making me worse