Still no symptoms: Hi Nearly a year... - British Liver Trust

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Still no symptoms

thelad73 profile image
17 Replies


Nearly a year since being told I had decompensated cirrhosis, sadly I've not been able to stop the drinking but have given up the opiates. Still doing my best to pack in the drink but it's hard. cold turkey for opiates is so easy compared to alcohol. I still want my drugs but I can tell myself no, stays in my head for about 10 minutes then goes away(in fact typing this has made me want to use but it will go away)

Anyway, no real symptoms still apart from shiny feet. not sure if that's due to my heart issue or the liver.

God Bless you all

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thelad73 profile image
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17 Replies
Ubwa profile image

Trust me, you want to stay symptom free. You don't want to start getting symptoms because they are some of the most unpleasant you can get. Something must not be working correctly for a diagnosis of decompensated.

Each drink you have now is you playing russian roulette with your life, and the next one can, at worst, quite literally kill you. You have to want to stop, and if you can't by yourself you need to start looking for help for your own sake.

pushthrough profile image

Hey there. Alcohol is certainly not the easiest to give up. It was only easy for me when the er gi specialist said if I don’t quit I’m going to die that I quit. I never ever thought I would have this crap at 40. I know there’s not much I can say to get you to quit because a switch has to be turned on in your brain and you have heard it all. I’m going to try anyway. If you had to choose life or death, which would you choose, and why. Just think about it for a few days. Best of luck to you my friend and I hope to hear from you again soon.


thelad73 profile image
thelad73 in reply to pushthrough

best advice I've ever had. Thank you.

Roy1955 profile image

If you have no symptoms your not decompensated!One things certain though and that's the fact that if you continue drinking your liver and heart disease will get worse.

pushthrough profile image
pushthrough in reply to Roy1955

Roy is correct. Typically you will have symptoms but sometimes it’s too late at that point. It just depends on the person. Also, keep in mind that when you are addicted to alcohol your brain can and does push aside symptoms that you are having because it has a grip on you. It’s not until after you quit drinking that you look back and clearly see you had symptoms, no matter how small or bad.

Alcohol is a terrible drug and as you pointed out, extremely addictive. For you and others to be able to give up opiates and other drugs but not alcohol is a testament to the problem that exists with the normalization of alcohol.

Ubwa profile image
Ubwa in reply to pushthrough

Also some of the slack from your damaged kidneys can be picked up by other organs, masking the symptoms

thelad73 profile image
thelad73 in reply to pushthrough

You are right, alcohol is used and accepted by the nation but the heavy use of codeine is frowned upon(20 a day I was taking 10 each time mixed with 2 valium and got a 2 hour high each time) I was looking to move onto smoking heroin or finding some one to get me Vicodin.

Alcohol is a bitch to get off but the drugs I found easier, I told myself they were killing me and although I miss the high and still want the high I will never go back and I can control that, booze is so so much harder.

As I said before just typing this has me remembering the high and the urge for that feeling but for some reason, hard but I can fight it, just wish I could do that with the Ale.

EnglishRoots profile image


I know how hard booze is to quit! I tried on and off through the years. Years back I had almost 4 months I was going to AA at the time. Fast forward I was diagnosed June 14, 2019 decompensated alcohol induced cirrhosis. I was 95 pounds (I’m 5’5) I had severe ascities (I looked 9 months pregnant) Severe muscle wasting , severe malnutrition, HE. Edema in my ankles and feet. Jaundice, I could not sit up in hospital bed, I couldn’t walk, I had to be cleaned up like a baby, I was in diaper because I had diarrhea 8 times a day explosive not to be gross). I was in hospital 16 days I also was hallucinating hearing and seeing things for the first 3 days or so. I had to be helped off the toilet. If I fell I couldn’t get up. I didn’t recognize my own body, nor myself. The depression was overwhelming. Horrible stomach cramping I couldn’t bend over. I would go for drains one time they took 11 liters of fluid.

I came very close to dying, I was told if I hadn’t gone by ambulance that night I could have gone into a coma or had a severe heart attack my heart rate was over 200 , my sodium level dangerously low. I had to physical therapy and occupational therapy

I’m just sharing that this can come on very quickly, of course my liver was being damaged for years 10 /20 before the symptoms showed. I never went to Drs. The addiction took over me I couldn’t control it at that point. I share because believe me as Hard as it is to give it up what happened to me and it took me hitting rock bottom l most dying to stop.

I was told in hospital “The next 6 months to a year will tell us a lot”.

I haven’t had a drop since the night I was taken by ambulance to the ER. 6/13/2019

Never to go back it , it is a matter of Life or Death, I may not like that I can’t drink but it is not an option with a liver damaged/cirrhosis. As my hepatologist told me 1st time I saw her (needed a wheelchair) to weak. She said”Every Day You Don’t Take a Drink Your Liver Thanks You” simple but true😉

Today , my hepatologist told me I have reversed the damage, my liver regenerated I’m compensated, and doing well, really well.

So understand……I so understand how hard it is, and I know the depths of despair, sickness, and just wanting to die because of that one last drink.

I didn’t mean to rant but breath and think …..Cirrhosis is no joke.

I am sending a supportive hug, from across the pond😉


Roy1955 profile image
Roy1955 in reply to EnglishRoots

What a truthfully and powerful post.


That's what's heading your way

thelad73 profile image
thelad73 in reply to EnglishRoots

Thank you for sharing that. I really appreciate it. Going to put my heart and soul into getting of the beer.

Superbly profile image

please give up drinking so you wanna get wasted don’t forget when you get a new liver you will never be able to drink again I know I am being hard on you what you need is a good kick up the backside having a new liver is a special gift I’ve don’t think you are ready for a new liver as you keep drinking yourself silly for what.

MistyMoments profile image

I used to worked at a treatment agency for drugs and alcohol all I would say is there are many different pathways to accessing the treatment support that you may find beneficial. I’m not sure where you are based. I worked in England but have relocated to Scotland. The Gp really is a good place to start your discussion with, there are professional services that will help you address your alcohol issues and signpost you to other groups for your consideration such as AA, Smart Recovery, and many peer lead support groups that are run by people who are called experts by experience because they have been in your situation. It is hard giving up something you have relied on used etc but I hope that you would be inspired by the people who got through their challenges by listening to their recovery journeys and that something would just all of a sudden resonate with you. Best of luck Mary

thelad73 profile image

Thank you for all the posts. It's nice to know I'm not on my own with alcohol abuse. I'm going to do everything I can to kick the drink into touch.

EnglishRoots profile image


You are more than welcome!

Chick_atee profile image

Time to throw in the towel and start recovery. You can do it, you just have to want it enough for yourself. I agree with the other person. You do not want the symptoms. They are horrendous. I am battling mine and I wouldn’t wish them on anyone. Your life is precious.

Ask for help and you will get it from the appropriate addiction meetings or services. I did. I’m not in a position to afford counciling but I think that would also be of great help if you can.

Good luck 👍

IanM1957 profile image

Sorry to be harsh, I understand the addictive nature of alcohol for some people. I was diagnosed with decompensated cirrhosis several months ago, it stems from non alcoholic fatty liver disease which became compensated and rapidly became decompensated. Believe me, if all you've got is shiny feet consider youself lucky, I'm forever developing spontaneous bacterial peritonitis which in itself is a serious medical emergency that must be treated with IV antibiotics, Albumin and fluids and hourly observation as an inpatient - I've been in hospital at least 5 times already this year I've been told my only hope of survival is a transplant but I've been warned there will be lots of hurdles to jump to even be considered suitable for the transplant waiting list. I understand that, in the UK, if you're a drinker you have to prove beyond doubt that you have/will give up before even being considered for a transplant and that if you are lucky enough to have a transplant you will have to prove beyond doubt that you will never drink alcohol - if you do get a transplant and carry on drinking how would you feel knowing that someone more deserving of a transplant has been denied the opportunity because of your actions? All the best on your "journey"

thelad73 profile image

Thank you ever so much for that.

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