Hi I'm new to the group just looking for advice as to whether I should be worried or need to stop looking for answers on Google. I've been feeling unwell for a few months and went to the GP after feeling worse. He sent me for bloodtests and said to come back if I didn't feel any better. A couple of days later I got a phone call to go in and discuss the results. My LFts where abnormal plus my iron was too high he asked about alcohol but I don't drink. Said I'd need a liver scan plus more bloodtests LFts, ferretin, hep, autoimmune antibodies, some sort of gene test. So I rang up a couple of days later and was told that the iron and LFts says awaiting liver scan results. Then I got a phone call a week later that my AnA is positive when I spoke to the doctor he said the LFts where way off again. Should I be concerned? Thanks for reading
Advice Please: Hi I'm new to the group... - British Liver Trust
Advice Please

Without all the test results in front of us, it's a bit like sticking a wet finger up in the air, to guess what is wrong, if anything. Anyway, having been through the process, here are my (not medically qualified thoughts).
I'm guessing he is checking for haemochromatosis, which is iron overload and the genes test is for genetic cancer. My first gastro did this when I came out of hospital and was in communication with my GP about it. Neither told me anything about it until I bought my hospital records and read up about it and asked about the findings.
Ana being positive , can mean you have some sort of auto immmunity condition going on . Depends upon the ANa reading really , and as stated before maybe Heamochromostatis ( iron overload) . I would get your Dr. T clarify more on these results so you know where you stand. More tests are inevitable with both these results.