Anyone who has had jaundice have their skin turn yellow before they could see it in their eyes?
jaundice: Anyone who has had jaundice... - British Liver Trust

Hi i think.this is how jaundice manifests itself, so if your skin is yellow seek help quickly.
Good luck
possibly the first sign is your wee looks like black tea. this is the bilirubins coming out,in your wee and then it goes in the skin But for a lot people on this site there is always a back ground lemon tinge
Never had the eyes go yellow, although im told its quite common to be the first sign.
My doctor told me I was jaundice by the colour AROUND my eyes. I can even remember the time when i thought I started looking very tired with dark panda eyes.
I was actually jaundiced.
Stopped the booze and it slowly improved over a few weeks. Its still there though
Hello. I have never seen someone with noticeable jaundice in person, but coincidentally, I was just looking this up. Microsoft's search engine, Bing, has a lot of images of people in various stages of jaundice. I believe I searched by "image jaundice." Also, "See more images," underneath the first group of images Bing returns, offers many more images. Good luck.
Hi there, I had jaundice from alcoholic Hepatitis and was in hospital in January for 3 weeks. I definitely had yellow eyes and what I can say is that my eyes were the last to lose the yellow tinge. My lower body returned back to normal first and my face then eyes last. Even now I hate looking in the mirror 'just in case'....
I am just coming off a fast taper from prednisolone and in fact finished them yesterday..I was on 40mg a day until the 28th Feb then reduced by 5mgs every 5 days to finally being on nothing effective today. Side effects were plenty and still are... coupled with PTSD and GAD anyway it is hard to know whether the itching is a return of dermatographia (urticara) or something else, there are so many side effects of steroids that could equally be my liver having a good thing is for alcohol....the very thought makes me nauseous..
Anyway, I hope that helps...