Jaundice? : Hi all , is my eye jaundice... - British Liver Trust

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AD88 profile image
14 Replies

Hi all , is my eye jaundice? Anxiety is very high , but keeping off the drink .

Any opinion of welcome


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AD88 profile image
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14 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

It's against forum rules for us to comment on photographs because (a) none of us are actually qualified to do so and (b) the colour in photographs is notoriously unreliable. If you are concerned about your liver health then you should try and see your doctor for some blood tests and a physical examination - they would be better able to assess your eyes in person and blood tests would establish whether your bilirubin levels were elevated which is the cause of jaundice/yellowing.

In my opinion they don't look jaundice but you need to see a medical profession for the definitive answer.

It's great if you can stay off the drink, we find the people on here with highest levels of health anxiety tend to be those who know they have perhaps drank too much. Alcohol is a depressant and can exacerbate anxiety symptoms plus if you then start to fret that the alcohol has done damage it leads to more anxiety.

Stay off the drink, get some tests arranged and fingers crossed all will be well.


Uplight99 profile image

As AyrshireK has said, none of us are medical professionals and therefore are not allowed to attempt to give medical advice. The only way to know for sure is to get your liver enzymes checked which will cancel out the chances of it being jaundice.

However, there are a lot of people on this forum who have actually experienced jaundice and from their accounts, the whole white of the eye on both eyes is noticeably yellow. Pretty much if you had it, then you’d know. I too have yellow around the inside of they eyes and in the corner of the eyes and a lot of people have posted the same here so it’s possible that it’s quite common.

I stopped drinking for around 3 weeks and have been clean now for a further week and it hasn’t cleared up which leads me to believe it isn’t even related to alcohol. There are many reasons for yellow pigments in the eyes, for example bleeding under the lens. I’m only 21 and only drunk heavy for around 2 years so hopefully I haven’t done enough damage yet to get to the point of jaundice.

Chill, you’re fine. Don’t worry about it too much, just try and stay off the drink and get a GP appointment or ease the worry. If you start experiencing any other symptoms such as dark urine, yellowing of the skin etc then get yourself looked at ASAP.

Laura009 profile image

No. If it was you wouldn't need to ask it would be blatantly obvious

R1100S1 profile image

By the time my eyes were yellow my urine looked like overbrewed tea

Then the illness etc kicked in.

Just ask doctor- worry on your own is silly

Keep safe

firepaint profile image

Yeah early stages probably, are you weak as well? Nauseous? Get a blood test and get off for at least 30 days to allow your liver to start to recover, 6 months clean and you'll see fixed to point of current damage, however nest time your at this point it wont be better, it will be worse, and worse each time until no more recovery possible essentially, mid 30s my body failed.

Uplight99 profile image
Uplight99 in reply to firepaint

Is there such thing as an “early stage” of jaundice? The people on here have told me that jaundice appears suddenly and doesn’t build up over time. I don’t think his eyes are jaundice, there are many reasons for yellow in the eyes.

in reply to Uplight99

I have a bit too under eyelid too I’m

hopeful it’s just whole eye too!

in reply to firepaint

Did you recover from fatty liver a few times your implying?

I had fatty liver- reversed it and stupidly drank too much again for personal reasons but there’s no excuse I know! so I’m worried about what I’ve done. Could kick myself!

Dililiver profile image

For me I had extreme fatigue, nausea, no appetite for about 3/4 days followed by darkening urine, yellowing of skin and, lastly, yellowing of eyes. Over time horrendous persistent itching. My illness not caused by alcohol but that was the pathway to my jaundice.

Uplight99 profile image
Uplight99 in reply to Dililiver

So you’re saying jaundice was like the last symptom?

Dililiver profile image
Dililiver in reply to Uplight99

The way it happened was I was very weak and nauseous for about 3 or 4 days followed by the beginnings of jaundice but the changes in my skin colour didn’t become noticeable to me until about 5-6 days after I first became ill. But remember my illness has been caused by an antibiotic so it was an acute onset rather than gradual development from alcohol, food, genetics, etc. The main point here is that the yellowing of my eyes happened after the yellowing of my skin. My jaundice continued to increase for 8 weeks until I was more turmeric than yellow and I still have a very high colour, 5 months later. Even my gums have a yellow tinge 😬

Uplight99 profile image
Uplight99 in reply to Dililiver

See I keep thinking I have jaundice but I’m not experiencing any of these symptoms so I dont think I do. Have the tiniest bit of yellow in the corner of my eyes but I feel good regardless. Don’t feel tired, urine and stool are the right colours, no pains anywhere, skin isn’t yellow etc makes me think I’m just being stupid

Dililiver profile image
Dililiver in reply to Uplight99

Yeah for me I felt absolutely rotten first like a terrible flu (though I’d been vaccinated) I couldn’t even sit up straight at the GP surgery. The jaundice came v soon after but I can’t say if that’s how it always happens. It doesn’t sound like you have jaundice to me at all but I’m not a doctor so really you should see one if this is causing you anxiety and sleepless nights. It would be so reassuring for you to know you’re ok x

AndrewT profile image

Dear AD88,

I believe that 'Other' Replies have Said The Same, as I'm going to.... If You Are Worried Get This Checked Out, With you Doctors/ Consultants ASAP. This is Far Safer than asking us, on the strength of a 'Snap' for an opinion. Give the Docs a call.


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