I have to have a Galstones removed and have to have surgery is this dangerous as I read Andy Warhol died from this on the operating table
Galstones removal: I have to have a... - British Liver Trust
Galstones removal
It is perfectly normal to be afraid of surgery. However, you should not worry about what is a very routine operation.
Obviously every operation has risks and the surgeon will explain all of these before you sign the consent form.
Andy Warhol died following a cholecystectomy which went well without any complications. The official cause of his death was heart failure due to inadequate monitoring of his fluid balance in the post operative period. Further complicated by his poor health prior to surgery.
You are only having stones removed not the gallbladder itself, so there is nothing there which will affect you and your procedure.
I speak of someone who underwent a liver transplant. I was naturally scared but I had every faith in the medical and nursing staff and so should you.
Hope all goes well for you.
Hi,I just had my gallblater removed last Friday,as I had a 8mm stone on it.I had asked the surgeon why he couldn't just remove the stone and he said that more would take its place.I was also told months ago results from the c-scan showed I also have a fatty liver,so right before the gall surgery I told him if he could also do a biopsy of my liver,but he said while in there he could take a look at my liver with the scope-camera they use.After the surgery I was given two pictures of my liver and my liver looked real good he told my wife for me to not worry so much about my liver. When I was first told that I had a fatty liver they couldn't tell me how much fat was on there and I have been worried to death about it until the pictures. I still have a small amount of pain where my liver is and I have a follow up with that dr. next week.I am going to ask him why the small amount of pain I have where my liver is and to go over with him the pictures.Does anyone else have pain from a fatty liver even if there is not very much fat at all on it? I was a heavy drinker for a lot of years but will have 8 years sober in march,i guess I am very lucky my liver is not a lot worse! I just worry about that slight pain I have and I also know I worry too much about anything in general too. I am open and will be very thankful to any replies.I just thought I would let anyone know why they just didn't remove the stone and what they saw of my fatty liver.Or should I insist on a biopsy? Thankyou Bob.
its not just drinking that can cause fatty liver. its food too. i had my gallbladder removed and had fatty liver and the surgeon showed me a picture of my liver which i thought was good and he said no it wasnt good, i mean how would i know what a fatty liver looked like? so i dont know why he showed it to me. it all looked red to me so i thought thats why it looked good fatty liver can be helped by eating a good diet of fruits and vegetables and not eating high fat foods. i stopped eating butter marg. cheese yogurt and creams. as they all are so high in fat. i try to juice of often as i can now and drink hot water with lemon, and i always try to drink plenty water as always feel better on those days when i drink lots of water. i scramble eggs or poach them instead of frying them. and grill meat. i also cut of any fat. as i do like a bacon sandwich. its not easy but at least cutting down on fry ups is a good start and getting my good fats from nuts and seeds is the way to go. i make lots of lenil soup and dhal. i had a horrible case with my gallbladder as the stone was stuck inside the bile duct and had calcified so the whole bile duct was removed and reconstructed from bowel tissue and attached to my jejemun which is the middle part of my intestine. i never really feel that well to be honest and take more buscopan now and omperazole than i took before the operation, it was only 4 months ago and i have been exercising so maybe i have being doing to much to soon and not giving myself a chance to heal.i'v been sleeping all day mosly and for the last few weeks have not been out the house much due to feeling sick. so I'm going to try and take it easy when i get back on my feet again. i wish you all the best in reverseing your fatty liver. as it can be done or at least much improved. i hope that your taking plenty rests after having your gallbladder removed and have pain relief if you need it. i wish you a very speedy recovery. im of to bed now, goodnight and god bless you love grace xoxoxo 🤗🙋🏼
i have heard of a new system of removing the gallstones without the gallbladder actually being taken out is this what your having done? When someone has gallstones, treatment typically involves the removal of their gallbladder. This is usually done laparoscopically, in a procedure known as a cholecystectomy. A group of scientists from the Second People's Hospital of Panyu District and Central South University in China, however, have created an endoscope that they say is able to locate and remove gallstones while leaving the gallbladder intact.
The device has an ultrasonic probe at its tip, that is used to locate the stones. It can reportedly even find small ones, embedded in the lining of the gallbladder. While it isn't entirely clear how the endoscope deals with larger stones (one would assume it blasts them apart), it is able to suck up fine, "sludge-like" stones using its horn-shaped "absorbing box."
i have not heard of anyone actually having this done yet. usually once you have gallstones then the gallbladder is not functioning correctly anyway, if you are not having the surgery as stated above and are getting your gallbladder removed its an operation thats done every single day many times so i would try not to worry about it. its only natural to worry even when i go to the dentist im terrified. Its not the actual procedure of the dentist that worries me but what goes on in my mind, all the rubbish that could happen, i wish you all the very best. god bless you. dont worry. love grace xoxo🤗
Thats a point. You said gallstones to be removed but you dont say where from. If they are in the bile duct they can be removed leaving the actual gallbladder in place.
A question on this ..can gallstones in the bile ducts excrete themselves? I have a feeling this what happened to me the other day.
i did read a story about a woman who passed a common bile duct stone. i will look for it. love grace. xoxo
Clinical Review - Common bile duct stones
if you type this into google you will see its a lot about stones in the bile duct. the story of the woman is at the bottom she is 83. i think stones can pass but there may be more there that the one that passed. as when i had my operation as the stone was in the bile duct and i had to have the whole bile duct reconstructed as the stone was calcified. MY surgeon said that he checked further up the tree, to see if there were any more stones there. he explained that its like a tree. im not a doctor and found it hard to understand, im always reading about gallstones and new ways of having the removed. or anthing interesting thats new to me.
my stone was 3cm and they tried to remove it with ERCP i was wide awake for the whole procedure. it could not be removed. its wasnt the size of the stone that stopped it being removed as they knew the size of the stone with an MRI ct scan but what they didnt see was that the stone had been in the bile duct so long it was calcified and stuck so the whole bile duct was removed and reconstructed. this is the way they found out that i had mirizzis' syndrome.i had to have an operation called a hepaticojejunoscopy. it took 5 hours. im still recovering just over 4 mothns later, im 65., i suppose we are all different as they can remove stones from the bile duct with lithotripsy thats a procedure for people who are to frail to take the operation and there is other procedures to i forget the names of them where they can smash the stones. but not if the stone is calcified as mine was. as its as if its glued to the bile duct and there is no way of seperating the stone from the duct. I'm pleased to hear that you got yours out and were in and out of the hopsital quite quickly as gallstones can be unbearable and even when the gallbladder is removed a lot of people are still unwell and suffering from various symptoms. i hope that you keep well. love grace xoxo
I had stones but they ended up removing my gallbladder as they said they would come back. It's normal to be afraid of any surgery or medical Intervention. You will be fine. Words from someone who also had a liver transplant 7 months ago. Good luck 🍀