hi I wonder if anyone has had there gallbladder removed with compensated cirrhosis I’m worried that this could affect my liver and cause more damage.
I had a definite diagnosis of cirrhosis 6 months ago after a biopsy only Fibroscan was 13.6kpa but mri showed cirrhosis this was done in June I also had a bone density scan and endcopsy which all come back ok
I had my 6 month consultation with my consultant Wednesday and my ALT was 38 and ultra scan showed liver had stabilised so there was no change from last scan which I’m hoping is good sign I’m currently on no medication I am waiting for the operation which they have marked urgent and should have it in the new year as last time I had a gall bladder attack stones were blocked in my bile duct which was also no good for my liver.
Also is it possible that I maybe able to keep my liver stabilised so it doesn’t progress further I have noticed my medical records show early cirrhosis I am continuing to loose weight and exercise hoping this will help.
Any advice much appreciated