Thank goodness we live in the UK - British Liver Trust

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Thank goodness we live in the UK

LAJ123 profile image
23 Replies

This post on a Liver Transplant Facebook group should make you so grateful we live in the UK and have the NHS.

This posting is not unique among people posting from the US.

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LAJ123 profile image
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23 Replies
tillycindy profile image

Yeah, mind you Jim, the weather and the N.H.S, we can,t manage without them but moaning about them is a national pastime. Certainly gives pause for thought though. Tried clicking the link ( I,m totally computer illiterate , mines been infected by some wretched women that I didn,t ask for, just as I got the hang of my old prog) . Thanks for posting that, certainly made me think.. Best wishes, anne x x x

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to tillycindy

That post is not typical of the U.S. Also I think name calling is inappropriate for this site or the facebook site. Just my thoughts on that. Aloha

LAJ123 profile image
LAJ123 in reply to Catfishjumpin

wasn't 'name calling' just highlighting how fortunate we are in the UK.

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to LAJ123

Thats a real person's facebook post. Thats rude putting it here. You took the time to lift it and repost it here. Why. Plus it has nothing in particular to do with health care in this country. It comes off as making fun of the man. Just saying...

Pateo profile image
Pateo in reply to Catfishjumpin

I think you got hold of the wrong end of the stick here, Catfish.

Anything posted on FaceBook is public domain unless restricted & Somebody Stateside might see the post here who did not see it on FaceBook and come over with some help.

I cant see anybody poking fun....or name-calling, and I do understand how you possibly make that out.

PCBnPBC profile image
PCBnPBC in reply to Pateo

Do not understand catfish at all. sure, do research, see if it is valid, if it is it makes me thankful my life long drugs are free.

I value our NHS anyways ! the transplant was such a gift from all those involved, the doner and family right through to the cleaner and porters at the hospital, and of course the technical and medical staff and all the others, brilliant team, we are so lucky, and it does no harm to be reminded of that! (as if we really need it, or perhaps some do?)

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to PCBnPBC

Let someone copy and repost your feelings. Difference of opinion. I have mine, yall have yours. I would not like it if someone lifted my post frm FB and then wrote personal feelings under it to repost somewhere else to make a point. But whatever, enjoy yourselves

LAJ123 profile image
LAJ123 in reply to Catfishjumpin

Rick is aware I posted and he's fine with it.

Pateo profile image
Pateo in reply to Catfishjumpin

My feeling is you are being gratuitously offensive, attacking someone who meant well and who has done no harm.

You also need to understand that, yes, we in UK think and feel differently and LAJ123's intention is actually sympathetic to the situation of the Yeager family.

It was in no way making fun, and was more of a comment on our UK National Health Services, how lucky we are....especially in certain areas (both geographical and medical) ...although there have recently been several headline instances of various new treatments not being funded by NHS and families appealing for help.

Both systems have their good and bad sides; in the last 18 months I must have cost the NHS at least £200,000, that's £80,000 just for antivirals and the rest a hypothetical conservative figure for bloods, scans, chemo and hepatic resection.

BUT I can't get a simple hernia fixed or a painful lump removed from my ankle, each of which would be costing a peanut or two. Go figure.

If you find something insulting in the post, its seems to be in your head only.

In fact, I am wondering if perhaps you are not showing signs of HE?

This is NOT an insult, I am saying this out of genuine concern for you as you seem to be way off beam on this.....your somewhat bitter and sarcastic closing line is very unnecessary.

We all here got liver problems, no call for picking a fight.....


Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Pateo

I did not ask you what you thoyght but thanks for sharing.

Pateo profile image
Pateo in reply to Catfishjumpin

I think when we post a thought on a public forum we must expect a response from others which may or may not be agreeable.

Nobody asked you what you thought in the first place, but thanks for sharing.

chynablue profile image

I wonder if the family mentioned above has tried to apply for medicaid in their state? It should cover their father's medical care at or very close to 100%.

Bermuda1 profile image

I actually know this gentleman. He was still working until very recently . Not a terribly high earner but enough, sadly in the US it depends upon what medical insurance you have , and what proportion they will pay . They do not pay all in a lot of cases. It is not unusual at all for people to do this in the US . Even some in better off situations may do so . One lady I know who had quite a traumatic time after her transplant , it has cost her 1.5 mil $ so far , and that is without the ongoing costs of her meds in future. This gentleman sadly has become terribly ill very recently and now will will be unable to work so will be going on disability , so may get further financial help.

susieanna profile image

Mmm; yes, despite its sometimes , failings; i do not know what we do without our NHS. I have much empathy for those in countries where they cannot afford such diabolical costs and where their health insurance wont cover it; especially in a first world country where in my view; this should not be happening at all. i'm sorry i cannot help financially; but i do hope that somehow this poor man can get the help he so desperately needs.

fisherking1 profile image

I am from over the Pond , I have a compensated liver due to Hep c , which is now clear. I could not have been cleared had it not been for my extended health care benefits provided by my Employer. I am now retired and still pay premiums on the same coverage.

I feel for your situation, After all you have been through . I seems unfair that life always comes down to money. It is a catch 22 of sorts i suppose, when : if you are seeking private health care to pay for life sustaining medication you must first provide your health conditions up-front before a policy will be underwritten by the insurance company you may have chosen. If you are a risk , you will most likely be denied. However, if you do not pose a risk to the underwriters of any given health insurance company , then you will be accepted . Why do they call it insurance ? Where is the compassion ? I would donate if I could , but I am living on a modest pension and cannot at this time. I am really sorry for this and if my financial situation were to change I would donate all I could. I sincerely hope others on this group spread the word to other social media . I am confident that your loved one will be provided for . It just seems so unfair !

Fond Regards- FisherKing 1

chynablue profile image
chynablue in reply to fisherking1

As of 2014, this isn't the case anymore in the US. Under the Affordable Healthcare Act, health insurance companies can't refuse to cover you or charge you more just because you have a “pre-existing condition” — that is, a health problem you had before the date that new health coverage starts.

dckimberly profile image

actually, unless he cant get SSI (which I had too and was able too, I had worked my entire life) getting insurance to cover the anti rejection meds can be hard,

Another thing you may not know, and we were told just 2 weeks ago..In some states folks are waiting 4 years for a they put them on the list.

I personally was not even considered a good candidate for a LTX in the US ( because of my blood issues, which I still have, by the way) and was absolutely SHOCKED when I got here and was told I could get on the list.

I still did not think it would happen, as I was not a citizen. But again..the NHS approved me, and I am just so so grateful. They saved my life.

I would be dead now if I had been in the US.

But I got too sick too fly. And have stayed that way.

I still struggle with the guilt of getting a LTX here, and now possibly a second.

I think about who else might have gotten my organ..but I was told, given my rare blood type, there was no one else at the time waiting.

Everyone always talks about how superior the US healthcare system is. I am living proof that that is just not the truth.

I know each case is different, but I never thought I would get a LTX. Yet here I am.

cheering everyone on!


your American Pickle..who had a GREAT Holiday and is feeling pretty great today AND who just got her newest Visa with a path to settlement, then citizenship!


ps. I only had one episode of H E while away on holiday..I missed the first two and a half days of our holiday..sleeping and confused..Then woke up Monday, and I walked for hours each day following and took no naps during the day!

The Meds are Working!! YAY!!!

RodeoJoe profile image
RodeoJoe in reply to dckimberly

You can't feel guilty, you would have died without it, it's not like you had a choice.

dckimberly profile image
dckimberly in reply to RodeoJoe

Hugs my Rodepjoe?

Thanks you my friend!



pear-shaped profile image


The NHS is slowly becoming privatised in certain areas and lots of contracts are given to private companies. My dad used to say we will understand how lucky we are when we are older. It's a heritage which we all must protect and preserve - it needs to keep up with the changing health demands but we all have to keep a close eye on these quiet privatisation moves...

Bless our NHS...


RodeoJoe profile image
RodeoJoe in reply to pear-shaped

I agree. The NHS is an institution that no matter what your politics, simply being a responsible member of society should be enough to support it.

Even with all the money in the world would you really want to live in a country where poorer more vulnerable people are put to the back of the queue simply because they can't pay. I always want the luxury of knowing that there is an NHS.

RodeoJoe profile image

Really. I had the same story from a nurse. Were you in Kings? I was about 2 years ago.

LAJ123 profile image

Update - Rick had his transplant and is doing really well.


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