The end: My doctor told me to notify my... - British Liver Trust

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The end

Catfishjumpin profile image
96 Replies

My doctor told me to notify my family it's the end. I think that usually means 8 weeks. Sorry for the bad news. I am still willing to talk and help anyone I can here.

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Catfishjumpin profile image
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96 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Sorry to hear that Catfish but I am sure you won't lie down to it and you'll continue to live every day fully.

Lots of love to you.

Katie xx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to AyrshireK

Thats a powerful voice of support. Thank you. I believe you are correct.

Eirene49 profile image

So sorry to hear this news CF. I've read some of your posts and you are such a trooper and have done everything in your power to keep on top of this disease. A real inspiration to everyone here. As Katie said, I'm sure you won't lie down to it and will continue to live each to the full. Sending you big cyber hugsxxx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Eirene49

How good of you. Very meaningful to hear. Big thanks🙏

Tess74 profile image

I'm so sorry and sad to hear this news, you have been a huge support and your bravery, selflessness & courage is a massive inspiration. I feel sure you'll continue to stay defiant to this horrible disease. Much love Tess x

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Tess74

Nothing is more. Powerful than having friends to back up your belief in yourself. Thank you.

Tess74 profile image
Tess74 in reply to Catfishjumpin

I read your latest post...I've got everything crossed for you, see, I knew you'd stay defiant :) You're in my thoughts xx

pear-shaped profile image

Dear Cat,

This is terrible news... Did you consider a second opinion? Have they said if there are any other ways of treatment?

You have been such a support to people here on this site - we all are saddened by your news.

I pray the you and your family are given the strength to face this terrible time...

Yours truly,


Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to pear-shaped

Pear I made a new post. I have been offered a bit of hope. Now I need some big luck. We all do, really. Thank you for your kindness.

Sam66 profile image

So sorry to read this news Catfish,you're always such an inspiration to others on here. Please keep us updated,when you can, on any more information the doctors give you. We know you'll live each day to the full as you've encouraged others to. Sam xx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Sam66

I am so thankful I am here, I need all your voices.

RodeoJoe profile image

My God. That must be some difficult news to hear. You're a great resource on here and i hope you continue to be. If anyone can keep themselves going, you can. Obviously it's difficult but try to stay positive.

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to RodeoJoe

Thank you, I am trying hard. You are one voice here that is so positive about transplant that it finally affected me. I asked to be re evaluated because of people like you. I wish I had been here sooner but am thankful to have found all of you when I did.

RodeoJoe profile image
RodeoJoe in reply to Catfishjumpin

It was supposed to affect you. You've definately made my day with that comment.

I've written about how well I'm doing, and cycling etc and sometimes I think it might almost appear a bit in bad taste especially for those people who aren't so well. But my intentions have always been to give hope to those that are waiting for transplant.

Katherine1962 profile image
Katherine1962 in reply to RodeoJoe

And trust me you do give great hope. Love hearing your positive thoughts and how well you are doing. Encourages me

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Katherine1962

Thank you, I have so much good energy to take with me tomorrow, allof you filled me with it. I am ready to go now.

susieanna profile image

What terrible and sad news; i have seen you commenting in posts and know you have been on here for quite a while; i hope that whatever time you have left, you can make the most of it somehow and that any pain you have will be able to be lessened. I do not know you, but something happened recently that shook me up and im gonna do my best to make changes in my life; i look at your picture here and it shows to me, apart from the beautiful scenery; you, enjoying life and making the most of it; i will remember this picture; sending you hugs from London xx

White-feather profile image

No. I can't believe it. No xxxxxxxxxxx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to White-feather

Yes you are right, I must turn this around! Thank you for saying noooo, it comes to me as FIGHT harder. Thank you.

jamamakitty profile image

Big hugs to you and prayers for no pain.... you seem so brave! You have my admiration even tho i don't know you.... <3

grace111 profile image

hi catfish. iv been off line for a few days and iv just checked my mail and seen this post. im so very sorry to hear your news. i just dont know what to say, im feeling very upset myself as i'v got to know you a little by reading your blog and your posts on here, how are you feeling yourself ? i just hope that your not in any pain, its so good that your still willing to talk and help anyone on here that you can, as that can give our life some real meaning, you have looked after yourself so well and done your best to keep well for so long, and you are an inspiration to many people. your in my prayers and thoughts. love grace xoxoxo

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to grace111

Thank you for caring so deeply. You are so kind to me. I admire you.

Estiebargle profile image

I'm so very sorry to hear this. I've throughly enjoyed your posts and getting to know you on your journey.

Go in grace and beauty,

Stephanie (on a bus in New Zealand)

grumps profile image

So sorry there no chance of a second .third or fourth oppinion...we did an it got our son through to a transplant and he's only been given max 12 hours at one point ..prayers are with you his bless xx

Chazzy profile image

Can't even imagine how your coping with that news. Don't know what to say. Admire your bravery and even being able to say those words. Enjoy every single day.

Sarahppp profile image

My heart is breaking for you. You have an inner strength that will carry you through. Sending love to you and your family. Xxxx

AdeleMalcolm profile image

What an inspiration you are to us all.

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to AdeleMalcolm

That means so much. I had no idea. We sure are all in this togther, one heart.

nickiwj profile image

I'm so sad to read your post. Sending love and support to you and your family 💞

Ruswati profile image

Dear Catfish - Your wise, kind and considerate words have always touched me when you have written on here. Brave strong woman I wish you love and light in the coming weeks. Michele

Grankids3 profile image

Hi Catfish

So sorry to hear your news, I hope they've made a mistake and you are with us for longer, I pray for this and hope you keep as well as can be, thinking of you and your family, I've not a lot off strength,but would share it with you, xx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Grankids3

Things turned around a bit just as you dreamed. Thank you.

gizocsi profile image

Dear Catfish, it's hard to find words... I cann't imagine how it is possible, but You surely are able to make Your best after this last news. I strongly wish You didn't have much pain. I love this picture, I mean You on it, I hope You will feel all the love we send to You. Warm hugs, plenty: G

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to gizocsi

Its amazing how much love I feel from all of you in your individual notes, what a powerful group of humans you all are, so full of love and understanding.

SugarRush profile image

This saddens me beyond measure. You've helped more of us on here than you can count!

Enjoy what's left, my dear. I'm sure you'll find a way x

ladyfrances1 profile image

So sad to hear this news Catfish, what a strong inspirational woman you are on this site. Hope you can continue to be strong and determined every day. Sending love to you and your family. xx

dooley1 profile image

Oh Catfish that's terrible news! Is there anything they can do? You mentioned you didn't trust your doctor, is there anyone else you could see? You also mentioned you've not had a drain, is this not an option for you. Let's hope you fight this for a long time to come yet and prove them wrong!! Stay strong my friend and keep us posted!!

Lots of love Helen xx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to dooley1

Thank you Helen. Things took a bit of a more positive turn.

Helenatonge profile image

Sorry I new to the sight. Sorry to hear the news can they not do a liver tranplant xxx. Helena

Dear Catfish

Much love to you ,what an inspiration you are ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

Dulux profile image

My thoughts are with you, your strength has helped many on here. x

tillycindy profile image

Catfish, First read your post shortly after it went out, then, sat stunned all night. Even the Katies and Pears who usually have such great advice for folk were it seems, for the moment, reduced to a few short lines whilst thoughts are gathered. Cat, can you tell us recent events and what,s changed since yesterday (you were talking about possible transplant as an option ) Who have you seen, and what are they basing this diagnosis on?. As Pear mentioned have you sought second opinions? It sounds as though you usually avoided doctors and relied on your own vast reserves of strength to get through life, both physically and mentally. That attitude is what drew me to your posts. I can certainly identify with you there, I,d rather trust a vet than a doctor! Is it the cancer that,s playing you up so much now? Sorry to be so personal, you can obviously message people in private if you choose to. How are things going regarding pain levels, and the nightmare of fluid build up?. Please listen to the Katies, the pears, grumps and others in this motley group and surround yourself with positive idea,s and suggestions. It,s an utterly selfish point I know, but we need you. I need you esp with regards to exercise. We are so worried for you. I have 3days left of hep C treatment. Had bouts of ribba rage, as warned may happen. I am so, SO angry at this wretched disease and what it is doing to such good people Catfish. I appologise in advance for any words that may inadvertently offend. I,m like an unexploded bomb at the moment! Bloody hell Cat. First our pickles (kim,s really going through the mire at this time...bless her..) And now you. Two really important voices in our group. So, pack it in mi,lady, catfishjumpin. needs a dose of her own medicine. Regroup, and fight on! you have the character and strength of will catfish. Much goodwill to you. Please update us as soon as you can.Yours annex

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to tillycindy

Ah you are really kind! I have a new post that I think will give you much to smile about. We can make istakes listening to doctors, wrong choices but then again, we can make mistakes relying on our own inner voice speaking to us. This is a hard hard fight, there are so many decisions that must be made. Good luck with your ladt three days, thats great!

jennajay profile image
jennajay in reply to tillycindy

Anne..that post is beautiful, so is your soul, jenny xx

ceddietom profile image

All of our days are numbered. All we ever have is the present moment. There is nothing to fear. Make sure that you are comfortable and just do the things that have always made you happy.

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to ceddietom

I agree 100% thank you.

I'm so sorry to hear your very sad news, having only joined this site a couple of weeks ago I have read your posts and found you an absolute inspiration.

Life sometimes is really just so unfair, I joined for a friend who has a choice, whose destiny is in her own hands, something you don't have the luxury of, just as my Dad didn't. We lost him far too soon to liver failure just last year even though he lived healthily and never drank.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Jacqui xx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to

I am so sorry you lost your dad. Thank you for your words.

in reply to Catfishjumpin

Me too....thank you.

I read your new post and wish you all the luck in the world...never say never hey!

pip-lit profile image

You have helped and supported so many people, including me, though I am only a newcomer to this forum. Holding you in my heart xxxxxxxx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to pip-lit

Thats a nice place to be held, thank you.

Abiman profile image

Very often doctors are wrong and looking at your smiling face,I would not take it for granted as a forgone conclusion. You will be around for years to come.

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Abiman

A reply I cannot help but just love. My eye balls are white as fresh snow, the doctor yesterday found it so a dichodomy that my liver is falling but its not at all jaundiced. People turn yellow before they are at deaths doir. Maybe I stilll have a chance. Just need lots of luck. There is plenty of love here!

This is a great photo and great to see you looking so happy, especially after such devastating news. I am very sorry that you have been given this very sobering news, but am convinced you will still continue to enjoy life as fully as possible. Your spirit shines through. Thanks so much for your continued advice and positive approach whenever you have posted.

bobbycat profile image

What a shock but you might well have longer..,just keep hopeful as you always do.....the power of hope is tremendous . X

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to bobbycat

You are so right about hope. Thank you.

fisherking1 profile image

Thank you for the past replies to all of us on this post, how long have you been living with your disease and what were the indicators or did they even share this info . I will pray for you, There is a life beyond this one this is what keeps me going . I will miss your inspiring motivations of hope,

briccolone profile image

Well cat here's hoping it's not the end but if it is you've fought the good fight with all your might. Very best wishes k

dckimberly profile image


I'm so sorry. I think I thougt you were stable right now?

I don't even know what to say, other than I hope you have family all around you. And that you know you are loved and cherished. I personally think we come around again, and again. And that everytime we do, we learn harder lessons each lifetime. You must be an old soul.

Your words have meant so much to me. Thank you for that. For sharing your advise and time, and guidance. I appreciate you.

I hope this next part is filled with love and joy, as you prepare to go on to that next place.

I wish you Safe passage home.

And will always be cheering you on,

With love,



Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to dckimberly

Keep cheering, its working wonders. You really are just the best...

dckimberly profile image
dckimberly in reply to Catfishjumpin

so are you dearest..the best, I mean.

I'm so glad I got to spend some time with you, even if it is just on this forum.

And I'm so grateful for all the times you have been there..for myself and soooo many others!

Cheers & Love



I am so sorry. Thinking of you and your family xxxx

needful1 profile image

You have been so helpful to me regarding my friend and with such insight. I'm sure that I and everyone else on here, will have you in their hearts in the weeks ahead. Thank you for sharing you with us. x

bessrhodes1950 profile image

I'm am a relatively new on this forum I joined because my partner has decompensated liver disease due to AIH I am so very sorry that you have been given such tragic news it must have been devastating for you and my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. My partner is in hospital at the moment quite poorly I dread the day they tell us that he is at the end xxxxx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to bessrhodes1950

Keep to the present. We are alive as long as we are alive. I enjoy everyday and try gratitude on the ugly unjoyable frightening days. I hope there is a positive turn around for your partner.

bessrhodes1950 profile image
bessrhodes1950 in reply to Catfishjumpin

Yes you are right I will try harder to think more positive thank you for your reply

Louisepeters profile image

I couldn't press like as it is sad ! Is it a recent photo. You look so good. Doctors have tended to be wrong ! Surely you will still FIGHT. xxx ALL THE BEST SWEETHEART !

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Louisepeters

Yes very recent. If I rest enough, I have enough energy to cycle one day a week, 10 to 20 miles in traffic on the shore. Island traffic moves very slowly. Yes doctors sometimes are wrong but liver disease is science, they have ways to measure the decline. 43 years of Hep C is known to create cancer. My first treatment was so extreme and caused so much damage, the drugs became killers for me. I had to wait that long for a drug to be created that would kill my virus.

Mushroom-71 profile image

Hi catfish just because a dr gives a diagnosis doesn't make them God, it's him that decides our fate and whilst you have breath in your body and you feel well don't allow words to make you change your outlook on life my sister was told to have palliative care 2 years ago she told them to get stuffed and she is still here I will say my prayers for you . Xxxx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Mushroom-71

Thats great, I will adopt her noble attitude. I sure am no quitter...thank you for the encouragment!

Robbo_c profile image

I haven't been on here for a while, but when I posted about my mother who has cirrhosis, you provided words of encouragement and support, which meant a lot to me, and it's clear your posts mean a lot to everyone else here. Your positive attitude and zest for life is a real inspiration. I don't know what to say, it's devastating news, but hopefully given your strength and positive attitude, you will still be with us for some time yet!

Wishing you all the best,



Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Robbo_c

Thank you dear Claire.

Tonyroone profile image

I can only wish you and your family welli was given two day to live and they found me a liver so I know how your family must be feeling

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Tonyroone

Wow. This is excellent to know. They decided at my request to re evaluate me. My eye balls are perfectly white, no jaundice, nice urine but now and then I do think the liver tries to just quit. I have been so ill this week but once I got 8 lbs. of fluid off by restricting fluid and food intake, all my organs became happy and not stressed out. The cancer pain hurts bad at times but it comes then it goes. I am thankful for that as I have nothing for pain.

Tonyroone profile image

Hi I was fit as a fiddle went for a blood test at my doctors with a blood test because I give up smoking and drinking and wanted too have a medical . And that the doctor call me in within ,a month. I was in the QE hospital in Birmingham giving 2 days too live apparently I caught from a partner years ago , and It laid dorman in my body for years I feel a lot better now still have pains but mentally I feel a lot better , wake up every day with a smile on my face ,and never stop thinking of the persons liver I have , and how I own it too that young girls too live a healthy life because off her donation , sorry about the bad English hope you can understand me xx please keep in touch

berties profile image

Where there is life there is hope. As has already been said one person's opinion does not make it happen.

You will obviously not take it lying down as its not in your nature to do so!

Whatever battles you face you will do it with strength and determination.

May you live to fight many another day.

Bless you and your family.

Dawn xxx

jennajay profile image

Catfish, your positive attitude and strength are going to see you through,i'm sure.I will pray each night for you to live and that you will get a transplant very soon.You deserve a bloody gold medal and a new liver for an A +++++ lady.Your in my thoughts constantly.Wishing you all the very best.Jenny xxxx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to jennajay

Thats really supportive. Thank you. I am not feeling brave. I just saw a video of a parcenthesis drain I have done Tuesday. They do not medicate us. I am calling my doc and insisting on being put under or medicated. I see no reason I need to be present for that barbaric procedure. My platelets are extremely low and clearly everyone bleeds to some degree. There would be no way to avoid watching it all unless asleep. If awake, I will no doubt cry thru the entire procedure. Thats a medieval thing to do to my body. It makes me sad. I am glad to have so much support here.

Ali1962 profile image

My thoughts are with you

Kitty17 profile image

Sorry to hear this Catfish, I genuinely am. My partner died in July. I didn't really know much about liver disease until this year, when my partner suddenly became very ill. I sought comfort in this group, frantically reading people's stories in order to find hope, but it didn't come.

I'm read lots of your posts and I'm sad and sad for your family. I'm glad you know it's "the end" because I didn't know for my partner and he just slipped away from me in hospital. I wished I'd known so much more about liver disease before this year.

Take care, you are a good and brave woman

Kitty x

Catfishjumpin profile image

I am so sorry you lost your mate. That must be very hard still. Thank you for your kind words.

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Catfishjumpin

hope that your okay catfish im thinking about you. when is your procedure do you know? i hope that your managing to get some sleep. love grace xoxoxo💞

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to grace111

I am organizing things. I requested a drape betwwen me and the techies working. I found out they allow taking anti anxiety drugs. I have the drain at 11:00 then they refill at 1:00. May be exhausting day. These are Pacific Standard Time Zone. I am sleeping but a bit annoyed with people around me telling me what to do. They are healthy. They have no idea what we all go thru. I am handling them as well as I can or just retreating to my room to rest. Thank you for asking. Jeez can you believe I get this 12 inch neddle in twice tomorrow. A real mind warp but I can do it. That was shocking what you got thru but you did it! Definately will have you there with me for strength. I will be thing, Grace was brave, so brave...

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Catfishjumpin

thats good news catfish that you'v got things organised. i know what you mean about people who are not in your shoes and dont have a clue. they will drain you more than anything with their ignorance. it should hopefully really help you taking some anti anxiety drugs as you will be much more relaxed and this should help your stomach muscles and allow things to happen for the very best. its 9am here in the uk. im not sure what the time is your talking about but i will find out next after i post this. you are braver than you realise thats why your still here now, i am praying that this procedure is going to really help you to continue living a life to the full, as you already do. i send all my love to you. come back after your procedure and tell us how your feeling. all my love. grace 💞

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to grace111

You really are here with me. Thank you so much. Aloha

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Catfishjumpin

how are you and how was it. i'v been thinking about you. love grace xoxoxo💞

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to grace111

I did so well, no pain, no fear, no anxirty. Mostly I credit it to you and all here that believe in me. The team working on me were great folks. Lots of good luck today. I cycle this week. Aloha dear

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Catfishjumpin

im so pleased to hear that. we may believe in you but you were the one who went and took the treatment. you'v made my day and my friend sam66 also, as was thinking about you and sent me a message saying she was thinking about you. 💞

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Catfishjumpin

its 5 am where you are. its 9am your 4 hours behind us. so at 3pm (as i told you thats my favourite time do you remember? and i told you why as well) then at 5pm they do the refill so i will be thinking about you at those times. and praying all goes the best possbile way as im sure everyone who left a message for you will be too. love to gracexoxo.💞

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to grace111

Wow thats cool that happened with the time ❤️ Excellent! Yes of course I remember your 3:00 ritual....

Catfishjumpin profile image

Thinking. Typo above

sheri44 profile image

sorry to hear this. I'm praying for you and thinking about you and your family. Live each day to the max. Prove everyone wrong. I hate the time thing. Lots of ❤ and Hugs to you xx

hi catfish, been reading all this blog of all the support and love this group has given to you and anyone else suffering and caring for those who are suffering, i see a strong and will full wonderful lady who is an inspiration and encouragment for all...Thankyou for helping others stay strong and possitive....How are you doing?

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to

You are right, this is a marvelous group of people helping each other. Your words will inspire me to keep on doing the work of living. Right now I am fairly stable but all my tests are coming back showing that clearly my health is declining more and at a fast rate now. I can only accept it and the saddness that accompanies the knowledge. I do not know how we are all so strong. But we all are. This is a group of fighters. We all treasure life. Its one day at a time and has been for a long time.

in reply to Catfishjumpin

ae catfish such amazing words.:).lots of cwtches.

MavisDavis profile image

CF are you still with us, feeling so sad reading this :( :( :(

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