As someone on here once said, a transplant isn't always a golden ticket to instant good health.
Since my transplant on 20th Jan 2016 my liver (I say mine, I still think of it is somebody else's) has been acting great. However the meds are a problem in their own right. My kidneys are playing up with creatinine at 161 and urea and efgr outside normal limits. My blood sugar is raised and was 24.2 a week ago. Certain times of the day I feel worse than before the transplant, but its all being managed by Birmingham QE. Hopefully it will get better as my meds are reduced.
They found a LOT of iron in my old liver and are suspecting Haemocromatosis but have yet to confirm it. How will I break THAT news to my brother and my children?
Onwards and upwards though eh?