Hi all, it's been a good few months since I posted. To those who have PM me thank you for caring, please accept my apologies if I did not get back to you.
It's been an up & down few months. The new Chemotherapy regime is taking its toll, I just about recover in time for the next cycle which has made it a bit difficult to stay upbeat, but I am still trying to push the PMA. We had a quiet but lovely Christmas followed by a run of family birthdays.
Today is exactly 1 year since my dramatic collapse at work, which resulted in my respiratory arrest & all the subsequent investigations that culminated in my diagnosis. Stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma. For palliative care only. Prognosis 6-12 months.
Well guys been there, done that! Now in no man's land. Apparantly the diagnosis is a rolling 6-12 months!!! I am not going to tempt fate. I do believe that the chemo has done well to hold the tumours & the mets in a stable pattern & I have had amazing support over the last year. The best thing, which may seem odd to you, was to be given such a poor prognosis. Because it just fired me up. I have too much stuff left to do. I have too much information & experiences to pass on to my children. I cannot be restricted to a time frame.
I have heard all the platitudes. Fighting the good fight! Kicking cancers butt! The journey! How brave I am!! . None actually apply. All I have done the last 12 months is LIVE!. I have got up every morning. I have faced the day, put one foot in front of the other & just lived life. The kids have been kids. Hubby has carried on as if nothing is happening. Dinner gets cooked & served. Plans are made & followed. Nothing much has changed in reality.
I realise when we are feeling low it is hard to see the positives in life. Every person on this site has a reason for being here, whether it be to give or receive advice or to connect with others in the same situation.
All I would ask is that you all remember to live, these diseases may restrict us but they do not define us.
I have done so much this year, but it should not of taken a terminal diagnosis to get me living.
Big cyber hugs to you all.
Take care of you & yours
X Cibble