For those who are patients at Birmingham QE Hospital, are you aware that you can access all your blood test results etc online?
I only found out about it when I asked at my first clinic post transplant if there was any way I could see the results without having to either phone them or wait for them to ring me. The consultant said that there is a website called 'my health qehb' which they register you on, and give you a leaflet with a code number on, you then get a letter through the post with another code on it, you then go to the site and register using the 2 codes. It's really rather easy. You can see results and correspondence etc.
If you already know about it, my apologies but I've never seen it mentioned on here. My local consultant in Stafford hadn't heard of it and was able to view my results, which was good because he hadn't yet received them from the hospital.
Love to all.