Hi Everyone [again!] I hope you're all doing well! I've struggled the last few months......I posted a while back that I relapsed [after not drinking/smoking for 4 months] after Mum died [such a way to honour her.........absolutely disgusting. Any excuse for a drink, and I take it.] Anyway, my relapse lasted for approximately 6 months. I've only stopped again now, and not had a drink for 3 days. Nothing great, I know, but onwards and upwards. Before my relapse, my blood results had all lowered from my previous blood test, except for the T Bil.
I also have Portal Hypertension [I'm on Carvedilol for this] and I have had one varice banded. I have no jaundice or fluid retention, although I need to lose a fair bit of weight. I'm due to see my liver specialist in a few weeks and I'm in a blind panic about what I may have done to myself due to pure stupidity.
I guess my question is - can my liver recompensate if my blood readings are worse [and I'm pretty certain they will be]? My other question is, when I stay away from the alcohol/eat well and exercise, if my liver goes back to compensated, can it suddenly get worse in the future, even if you're doing everything you can to help yourself? I also have moderate COPD and mild Pulmonary Hypertension, and I'm terrified that I won't be able to take the necessary medication for these conditions because of my liver? Any help would be greatly appreciated. xx Shelley.