Hi, I was diagnosed with stage 3 cirrhosis due to ALD, I am 39 and have been sober for 3 years, recently I have been feeling pain in the liver area and when I turn over in my bed at night I can feel my liver moving as well, is this normal for my condition or is my liver getting worse over time? I don't see my GI consultant until April, thanks x
Liver pain : Hi, I was diagnosed with... - British Liver Trust
Liver pain

Hi I have liver pain also. I haven't been diagnosed with liver disease bit afraid I could have ald. How was yours diagnosed?
I did not have the ALD, but had end stage cirhossi, and the pain started then, at least bad pain. I had ascites, with is the buildup of fluid in the belly from the liver not working. This causes a great amount of pain, they would drain up to 21 liters, sometimes 12 sometimes 19, but for me, carrying all the extra water weight really was painful..I would put it back on in a few weeks, and at the end, it came back with in days..not as much fluid but they were draining every 10 days. I also had overall pain..but I missed it, as it was on my left side. It was not until my heptologist explained to me that belly pain, of any sort, can often manifest itself in another part of the abdomen, than where the actual problem is. I was just sure it was my panaceas, then I found out my spleen was double the normal size..so I thought it had to be that, but nope, she said, it's the liver. And it was. I had a hard time sleeping at night, could not get comfortable..this was early on. I had to put, and still do pillows. On either side on me, so I had a soft cushion higher up on the bed. Ever after my transplant 6 weeks ago I'm still using it. But to be fair, lol, my incision is still painful, and my ascites is still there for some reason.
iM not sure if any of this helps?
Hope so. Let them know that in April. In fact, you may want to let them know now..in case they want to see you earlier.
Thinking a good thought!
Would you please elaborate how did you know when your liver moved?
It might interest me to know so that I am aware when it moves.
Congratulations on managing 3 years alcohol free, giving up anything we are dependent on is not easy but in the long run we know it's the right thing to do, mine was cigs and I wouldn't go back no matter what was offered.
You are suffering so contact your liver specialist team and get some good answers, as much as we would like to be able to give you exact answers we are not experts
Don't know what to say except if you experience any bloating, swelling, starting in the legs or you experience any jaundice. Then get to A&E asap. I am not a medical person so please consult a professional for advice.
Hi Charlie,the conventional wisdom is,the liver has no pain mechanism,so therefore no pain is possible.But from my own experience,I've been woken up several times in the middle of the night,with what I can only describe as a fairly sharp nagging pain in the lower right-hand quadrant,whether its the liver outer sheath or deferred spleen 'backup' pain-I don't know.I find turning over in bed makes it go away.Sadly,cirrhosis tends to progress, whether you abstain from alcohol-or not.If your a teetotaler now,or not,also beware of high intake of sugers,salts,red meat, and processed rubbish.To me,Interestingly,I have found no correlation between being completely abstinent,or lapsing gently once a month or so as regards to occaisonal liver twinges.Best,Andrew.
Hi My partner was a heavy drinker over many years before I met him. He had stopped drinking for 7years and was very proud of it . But September this year started to feel unwell . he went into hospital 27th October . and had cirrhosis everything happen all to quick. He died on November 14th. I'm still trying to get my head around it all . But it is right in what they say it is a silent killer. X