Stressed wife: husband finally... - British Liver Trust

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Stressed wife

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10 Replies husband finally agreed for the says 48 hours to remove excess fluid...what do I scared now

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10 Replies
Bolly profile image

It's amazing how suddenly facing ones mortality makes some people decide to cling to life after all! Glad to hear that he will let the docs start some treatment.

Is he at home with you, or in hospital?

If he is in hospital then you wont have much of a role to play except to visit him, encourage him, and try and get as much information from any doctors or nurses you see so that you know how he is and what they are planning in the way of a next step.

If he is at home, the first thing you must do is ensure that a) he doesnt touch one more drop of alcohol and that b) someone is helping you understand what will happen as he withdraws from alcohol.

Hopefully some of the members here who have alcohol induced liver disease will add to this thread, as I'm no expert on this as my liver disease is caused by something else.

Stressed_wife profile image
Stressed_wife in reply to Bolly

Thanks...he is getting admitted in the hospital today...hopefully all will be ok soon...

in reply to Stressed_wife

It is an overworked statement, but in my experience its only the start of the journey,

Hopefully one with a happy end but be ready for more challenges

Keep ask the good people on hear about any questions you have



Bermuda1 profile image

They will probably drain him. This I scaled paracentesis .

It looks worse tha it is . They often test a little of the fluid to check its not infected as well first of all. Yes must never drink again. He will probably be given diuretics to hep contol the fluid afterwards and other medicines which will depend upon blood tests. Its a start.

Bolly profile image

Hi stressed wife and good to know your husband is being admitted to hospital. You say your husband has been a heavy drinker for 22 years. I'm afraid that is why his liver is in such a bad way. 22 years of putting the liver under strain is not going to "all be ok soon" I'm afraid. Amazing though the liver is, its not going to repair like a bruise or a cut or a headache. This is going to be a long road, and one that takes a lot of committment on his part to stop drinking. Others will be able to comment better than me, but not only has his liver got to try and recover a bit (I'm afraid his level of cirrhosis means its gone to far to repair) but he has to go through alcohol withdrawal which is a double whammy. As David5354 says, this is just the start of a journey through which you too will need support, so do come on here and ask questions as and when you need to.

jules45 profile image

Hi, I was in your husbands situation 4 years ago and I would'nt listen when told to stop drinking. I ended up with a huge tummy full of fluid, in pain and had turned yellow at home. My liver had failed, went into hospital, got very well looked after as an emergency, had 6 litres of fluid drained from my tummy which was an instant relief to have it taken away. The procedure was not too uncomfortable and was carried out in my side room very gently by the doctor and his assistant. The whole experience was enough to stop me drinking again as I realised how much damage I had done to myself, but I suffer with cirhossis and other complications but I have a decent quality of life, with regular monitoring and I hope that your husband will come out of this situation realising that drinking is no longer an option.

I do hope you cope ok and look after yourself as well.

Best wishes


Stressed_wife profile image
Stressed_wife in reply to jules45

Thanks so much julie...can't tell u your reply is like God sent for me....i am feeling positive that it would work.....

jules45 profile image
jules45 in reply to Stressed_wife

Hello, Im glad you are feeling a little better about things. I was just wanting to give you some hope by my own experience. He will be in good hands and hopefully the road to recovery won't be too difficult.

There will be plenty of aftercare to keep him as well as possible.

Best Wishes and keep going.


JoJo profile image

I was in a bad way over 2 years ago. Alcoholic cirrhosis. I had 13 litres of fluid drained off. The procedure was ok, a lot more comfortable than I expected. I had drips connected too and was in hospital about 5 days. Then I was on diuretic tablets to help me lose the rest of the fluid. It was a long road. I was very weak as I was malnourished - has he been eating? But the relief not to have all that weight and massive belly was immense. It took about a year for me to really feel well again. I'm sorry if that seems bad but I was a mess. I was 6 stone after the fluid was taken away. Every part of me hurt. It was awful. It took determination to start eating again. And to stay off the booze of course.

I've been sober now for 2 years and 2 months. I don't need any medicines anymore, my blood results are normal, I eat well and am a healthy weight (10.5 stone). I have a scan every year to keep an eye on my liver but the consultant said if things stay as they are, there's no reason for me to pop off any sooner than anyone else.

I really hope your husband has a good outcome. I thought I was going to die. I really did and now I'm so happy and feel lucky that I have this second chance. I still feel a lot of guilt that I caused my cirrhosis but I keep that at the back of my mind and it helps me not to drink each day. One day at a time.

Much love to you both. X

Stressed_wife profile image

Thanks so much...can't tell u how much these posts are helping me....thank u all so much for the support

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