Hello, can somebody help me with this, as i wrote before my husband suffer of chirrosis, he had a varicose episode two years ago, he is not that bad and goes along with hes life, i wonder if this illness affects de erotic part of a person and the intimacy....? : (
Desperate house wife new qestioning - British Liver Trust
Desperate house wife new qestioning
Hi Clariur, sadly since the liver has a role in the production of hormones it can certainly lead to a loss of libido and indeed sexual function. In male patients they sometimes get reduced levels of testosterone and increased levels of oestrogen which can lead to symptoms involving a reduction in body hair (in typically male areas), shrinkage of testicles and even the development of breast tissue.
My hubby and I have experienced this with his illness but we still have a loving relationship without full on intimacy - we enjoy lots and lots of cuddles, hand holding and kisses. We don't push issues because it causes upset for him when he knows he has no interest or function in that department.
Katie xx
THANK You for your promt response Katie, i wondered if perhaps thats why he says he doesnt want to be with me and he doesnt love me anymore, after 27 years of marriage i feel so sad and it brakes my heart that he has changes hes values, he is so could and it seems he doesnt have feelings for others not even our sons, greetings from México!

This illness can obviously cause much stress and anxiety for the sufferer and I guess some don't want to burden a loved on with it all, plus the depression of being so poorly can affect their normal personality as can Hepatic Encephalopathy which can alter personality. I guess he wouldn't be up for some counselling where he can discuss any issues, sometimes it helps to talk.
Yes I think it affects every aspect of our lives. After my first treatment and still left fighting Hep C I gave up everything and literally came to an island to live alone. I take care of myself.i want to as long as I can. I simply have very little to offer in relationships. I am living in liver failure for 5 years now, every year it gets harder as my liver functions less and less. Maybe you can just hold his hand, offer little affections and he will open up a bit more. It must be hard emotionally on men.
can someone pls tell if thats the same for women i have liver failing and my sex drive has gone from crazy to zero sine my first bad episode if varices bursting and put in a coma, me and my husband already having trial seperation he can't deal with it , so i dont know if it's my liver and stress or i just gone off my husband? Any advice welcome xjackie
So sad Catfish, we all need other people for what ever the reason this might be, i am hopefull because what You describe is exactly what he wants to do, go to a solitary place and live by himself, i feel sad but i guess it seems as if he doesnt have feelings for anybody, we hes family are very worried about him and it looks as if he doesnt love su anymore.......
Sadly, yes it can. As someone who had liver disease, it's entirely possible.
But the other part of this can involve medications, changing or adding them.
And then there is always a bit of depression that is common.
All of these things, be they the main event (liver) outside influences (medications, procedures) and emotional distress can really just make a person shut down sexually.
I think there's also the mental factor. When we're so busy focusing and constantly talking about and worrying about one part of the body..it's like the rest of us takes a back seat.
I hope this helps.
But it may come in waves..like sex seems to do in most relationships.
Cheering you on!
And remember, intimacy is not only sexual. Cuddling, hugging, just being close without any expectations of anything of a sexual nature can be very satisfyingly!
Always so nice and truth advice, i aprecciated a lot, remembered as I told You before, maybe thats why he wants to leave.....send You a big hug from Mexico, hoping youre feeling much better : )
hi clairur ,im mike ,i first had cirrhsis 3 mounths ago ,i thought my life was over,my firt blood test was 1,408 ,for gt gamma the recomendation is 55 ,GT my second203 ,ALT,recomedation 40 ,im down to 36, APwas 126 im now 75, rerntin or firntin was1,188,im now 409 recomedation 400 ,it has been blood sweat and tears ,the doctor said i should lead a normal life i hope to get the gamma dow to 75 ,when i first went to the doctor with my first blood test ,he said you will need a transplant ,and i thought my life was over ,it was drink that didnt help ,but ,i paid a fee for my treatment and also added ,thing i read ,it was ent cheap ,but not expecive compaired with all the other things ,if you would like to emai me im mike i was on here from day one when i has cirrhosis ,and would shar my experiance i feel great now ,and im living proof you can live a normal lif with the desiease or cure it ,some what thanks mike harding1@btinternet.com
Thanks Mike, i surely get in touch with You via e Mail, just remember that there is an almost 8 hours different, when You are awake i am asleep, THANK You so much, You will hear from me soon, : )
readmy wright up giles111 i hope it can help befor you get cirhosis harding 1@btinternet.com
It won't help you but off the back of reading this post I had a cuddle with my wife on the sofa for 10 mins, like everyone said its doesn't have to be much, just do something.
; ) i missed that too.....
yes it destrys your self confidance ,i have more or less got back to normal and it takes hard work i would like to share it if you still have problems with your husbund ,im siure i could help him mike ,harding1@btinternet.com
Thanks a lot, but i am the one that is really seeking help, he says he is very good, i will keep in touch because i am really desperate....