So far, I've been told to stay off work and have been for a month now, which isn't fun cause I can just about manage bills when I do work. I'm also worried cause they still haven't found anything and the 4 weeks is ending.
I've taken about a million blood tests now, my arms are just purple from bruises. Already at a jaundice clinic for tests. Ruled out hep a, b, c and e . Said it wouldn't be d. Also not HIV and they've ruled out anything serious. But 4 weeks later and they're not seeing improvement. I could do with this being rid of now so I can afford Christmas D:
Anyone else got this far and still no diagnosis? What could it be? Im 21 and doctors have said it won't be gall stones because of my age.
Also is it wise to work? I only work in a call centre and I don't feel ill enough to be off but doctors keep insisting. I could just do with my partner being at home more instead of working 7 days a week for money and I'm not sat alone at home all day every day with no human contact.