I really don’t do New Year Resolutions! January is such a dismal month anyway that why make it even worse? So, if I want to do something “improving” I tend to go for February with its promise of Spring being on the way (it also has the advantage of being 3 days shorter than January 😂). The last 2 years I’ve done RED Feb but this year I was going to give it a miss, as I’d snuffled and coughed my way through January and my mojo had fled! Then Shake-and-run messaged me to say she’d signed up for 100k in Feb for Dementia UK and would I like to give some moral support (virtually since we live almost 100 miles apart). A bit reluctant, but said I would, although not officially, having already done a fundraiser for Dementia UK last year. I already run 3 times a week so reckoned I could achieve it by adding 2 more 5k runs a week and if I didn’t make it, nobody was losing out.
Then I got a text from my GP practice inviting me for a health check, so it was “in for a penny…” and I booked an appointment on Monday (24th Feb) and made a plan to tackle my unhealthy habits. On top of the running challenge, I added Dry February, high protein diet (800 cals x 2 weeks, 1200 cals x 2 weeks), drinking more water and walking more (helped by the fact we were looking after our neighbours’ dog when they both sadly ended up in hospital).
Well, to say I am amazed by the results would be a total understatement, I didn’t find it difficult and I achieved all my goals. In a nutshell:
Recorded Runs - 104km (18 runs)
Recorded walks - 73.2km (23 days)
Weight lost - 12lbs
Alcohol consumed - zero 😳
Parkrun times - 3 consecutive fastest this year and improved from 36.00 to 32.45
Garmin Training Status - Productive for the whole month with Peaking on 26th and 28th (never happened before)! VO2max - increased from 39 to 42
Garmin Badges earned - 8
Blood pressure - improved from 138/88 to 120/80 (other results of health check still to come!)
I found something that has really worked and my mojo is back 😃 It might not work for you, but it goes to show how some relatively minor changes can make a big difference. A big thank you to Shakes for the kick up the backside xx