So. Here I am again... and here, again, I hope...are YOU!
“The weather outside is frightful, and the fire inside, delightful “,Sounds like a song!
Well, the weather here, as for many of us is, to say the least, a bit dodgy. Here in the Staffs Moorlands, it is a tad dire, most certainly, has put paid to my running plans.
The snow and the subsequent freezing conditions have made outside runs an impossibility. Trying to negotiate the icy pathways, with yet another round of Mr OF appointments has been treacherous enough, and I have to say, that I have taken a safe option and simply carried on with the indoor workouts.
Thank goodness for the Strength and Flex Forum Yoga and just exercise, carried out in daily household chores!!!
Things have been so dire... I really don't know where I am in space or time!
I have been reading many of your posts again, and this week, as in others, many of you ARE running and reaching some of your Quest goals. The good news too is that if you are not able to run you are being sensible and not giving yourselves a hard time!
So.... on we go!
There is one week left to join us... and if you cannot this time, then do think about the new December Quest, please..
This month's Quest... what is it ?
For all our new visitors.
What is the Quest?
The aim of the Quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.
The Quest takes one calendar month. You can join at any point during that time.
You need to be a C25K Graduate before joining the Quest. The reason for this is that pre-graduation your week is very much structured, according to the C25K programme, and I wouldn't want the Quest to interfere with that.
Most popular goals are:
★ To run three times a week
★ To slowly increase distance
★ To train for a specific race
★ To add strength and flex exercises to your weekly routine
This is a personal challenge, so it's completely up to you! If you want to join, all you have to do is comment below with something like: “I would like to join the quest”, or, “count me in! I would like to...”
Any questions, just ask! Come and say hi, we want to know what you're aiming for!
So... your turn now, who is in this for a wonderful run, through the colours and the increased crunch, of the season? And the sparkling wintery conditions!!
Come on and join us please!
Oldfloss and the Team x