Having hardly run at all this month I was determined to get one last run in so that my monthly total was above 10km. So off we set, to the damp and misty fields for a final 3k.
I am feeling the need to hold myself to account so had a look at the NRC plans. I didn't want to do the longer distances -10k, HM, - I know I'll fizzle out once I get somewhere around 6-8k depending on the weather and my travels.
I didn't want to do a 5k plan, it seemed too basic, so I settled for the Get Started plan. Basically a couple of shorter runs a week plus a very short one. I know I can add in another longer run instead but as long as I do the 2 bigger runs I'm ahead and it's only 4 weeks.
The only annoying thing was that at the end of today's run the app wouldn't let me continue once the guided run finished so it only recorded the 2.36 km I ran in the 20 minutes instead of the full 3.1 ish km I actually covered. Never mind, it's not really about the numbers is it?
At least 12.25 km is in double figures and 4 years ago, before I started running, I'd have been most impressed with myself 😂