October Quest Week 2: Bringing you sunshine ... - Bridge to 10K

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October Quest Week 2: Bringing you sunshine 🌞😎🏖️

Yesletsgo profile image
16 Replies

Week two of the October Quest, sorry I’m a day late, I’ve had so much fun it’s taken me until Wednesday to recover (the alternative view is that I’m a decrepit old lady who can’t keep up with the pace any more, I prefer my version).

I went to Paris over the weekend as my lovely niece was getting married. It was absolutely wonderful to catch up with so many family members I haven’t seen since pre Pandemic, and even better, to have enough time for proper conversations. Now I’m back in Greece, taking it easy so I’m sending you sunshine and warm thoughts as I catch up with all the work I didn’t do last week.

How’s it going for you? Looking at the goals from last week there’s a lot of emphasis on the things that go with running that make it better – strength exercises, walking, tai chi, Tibetan rites, yoga – and the things that make life in general more interesting. If you’re new to the Quest please remember that your goals can take in other aspects of life – eating, sleeping, socialising – as well as just running. Your goals can be as ambitious or as unambitious as you like, they’re your goals, not anybody else’s.

How was my week of Questing? My Goal was 2 runs in a week. I did 3k on 30th September and a treadmill run on Saturday 5th so that’s 2 runs within a week, even if one of them was in September :) . I’ll take that as a success 🤣 .

For this week, the aim is to get another run in by Saturday. It’s not quite as hot as it was, the mornings are definitely cooler but it’s still over 20C when I get up. I find the heat tough when it comes to running but I’m not complaining, I’ll be home in the cold soon enough. If it's damp and chilly where you are think about how much easier it is to run in the cool :)

So what about you? How’s your running been? What are your aims for October? What are your weekly goals going to be?

Can’t wait to hear from you! Sending warm thoughts xx


For any newbies, here’s what it’s all about:

What is the Quest?

The aim of the Quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

The Quest takes one calendar month. You can join at any point during that time.

You need to be a C25K Graduate before joining the Quest. The reason for this is that pre-graduation your week is very much structured according to the C25K programme, and I wouldn't want the Quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:

★ To run three times a week

★ To slowly increase distance

★ To train for a specific race

★ To add strength and flex exercises to your weekly routine

This is a personal challenge, so it's completely up to you! If you want to join, all you have to do is comment below with something like: “I would like to join the quest”, or, “count me in! I would like to...”

Any questions, just ask! Come and say hi, we want to know what you're aiming for!

Yesletsgo and the team xx

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Yesletsgo profile image
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16 Replies
AllSewnUp profile image

Hi! I'm new here 👋 I finished C25K a month ago and wow...did it feel so good to graduate! Since then I've been noodling with some consolidation runs (repeating w9 r 3), some jeffing, a few Beyond C25K guided runs, and now I *think* I've settled on the Nike Running Club's 10k plan.

So my quest is to slowly increase distance, but work on some speed drills too to help with pace. I'm a tiny bit scared...but the good, rollercoaster-corkscrew-kind of scared 😅


Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toAllSewnUp

Congratulations and welcome to Bridge, we're so happy you've joined us :)

If you're following the NRC 10k plan you will definitely increase distance and pace. Just bear in mind that it's a good idea to take it easy in the early days. Doing too much too soon can be a recipe for disaster. I know this from painful experience, having totally overdone it on my very first Parkrun, pulling a tendon and taking 6 weeks to recover. There is nothing more disheartening.

The NRC plan involves '5 runs a week'. Well, that's what Coach Bennett says. He also makes it quite clear that the Plan is yours to use as you wish.

So it's perfectly OK to only do 3 runs a week, or to take 2 weeks to complete the 5 runs, or to add in a few shorter runs if you find the longer runs daunting.

The distance for the longer runs each week jumps quite quickly - 4k, 5k, 6k, 8k, 9k,10k, 8k, 10k. If you want to increase your distance slowly, which is extremely sensible, maybe take your time and stick to 5ks until you're really comfortable with the distance.

The accepted wisdom is that beginners should only increase their distance by about 10% per run. Then again, you're a young woman, not a decrepit old crone like me, so you may well be perfectly alright but given that injuries have slowed you down in the past it's a good idea to take it slowly.

However you approach the 10k, just make sure you enjoy it and do it safely, and let us know how you're getting on next week :)

AllSewnUp profile image
AllSewnUp in reply toYesletsgo

Thank you for your super helpful reply. I hadn’t really absorbed how quickly the distance increased on that plan and I definitely have no intention to overdo it (especially as I am swim-training too). Looks like I’ll be pondering my quest approach a bit longer 😬 will update when I work it out!! Thanks again Yesletsgo 😊

Annieapple profile image

🍏🫶 Gloriously blue photo!! How wonderful to be in Greece soaking up that sunshine & swimming after your runs! With you hectic social life recently you did so well to get in 2 runs! Just fab!

🍏My quest is to keep walking in spite of the torrential rains we have been having & more to come this week .

🍏 stick to my Mediterranean Diet… went wickedly off course this week 🙈

🍏 Keep up with my assigned exercise programme plus obey my watch when it tells me to stand! 🤣

Happy questing one and all!!

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toAnnieapple

Thanks Annieapple , definitely making the most of it and loving and appreciating every second.For walking in the rain I hope you've got a decent raincoat. There's something very cosy about feeling dry when it's pouring down.

The Mediterranean diet is great in the summer but in colder weather I crave soup! As long as you stick to food that's fresh and unprocessed that seems to be half the battle - tomato soup with olive oil is surely almost Mediterranean?

Best of luck with your exercises and remembering to stand regularly. Better health is around the corner I hope 😁

GoogleMe profile image

I like your version too! Anyway, I am glad you are 'late' because it means I have slightly better news to report 😆 after frankly neglible progress on all of my goals for this month's Quest.

Couple of sorting sessions, very small numbers of brisk minutes...

But today I got a run in. Between miscalculations and the perversity of my offspring (ie we'd arranged a time to meet, I set off too late for a longer run before that and then he had other priorities and arrived half an hour late which would have been enough 😡), it wasn't a 5k but it was a lovely autumnal canalside half hour - locks, narrowboats on the move... and I ran past a bunch of breaktime FE college students as a 60+ overweight woman in black leggings and t shirt without a qualm.

Also got a yoga session in.

So lots of catching up to be done but I am happy enough.

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toGoogleMe

That run sounds great. Running by water is the best. Plus isn't it wonderful to be liberated from all the caring about how strangers might be judging us? Wish I'd felt like this when I was younger.All that and yoga too, impressive!

It's all about the attitude!!!

Oldfloss profile image

Hello xxx

You had a lovely time didn't you ! Sunshine sounds so good right now!

Okay... slight change of plan owing to recent developments with Mr OF..

Regular exercise routines as normal... morning wake up yoga is very important... start the day... relaxed and strong.

Run... when I am able, as short as needs be, and longer if I get the chance!

To use my runs for the right reasons. To refresh, recharge and relax.

Happy Questing everyone x

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Hello Oldfloss , you're doing so well to keep up with your exercise when you have so many extra demands on you .Finding time for yourself and your running is incredibly important. It will help you stay strong both mentally and physically.

Like you say, refresh, recharge, relax. You need this self care. It can be very difficult to prioritise our own needs when someone close to us needs help, but unless we stay strong and resilient it's hard to be able to help anyone in the long term xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toYesletsgo

Thank you... xxx

Yesletsgo profile image

(if you've seen the same comment from me appearing and disappearing, sorry. I'm on my phone so everything is twice as confusing lol)😂

MissUnderstanding profile image

Great quest-it’s horrible here this morning and that sunshine in your pic is very welcome!

I’ve had a crazy busy week. Running is really hard at the moment with everything that’s going on. I’m finding that really frustrating. Especially since I’ve made a big decision and actually entered my first marathon. I started training aiming for one earlier this year but then got Covid and I’m doing the 10k (next week!) instead. I didn’t get as far as booking. This time I’ve got a race number and April 13th I’ll be on the start line. Eek!!! I’ve got 26 weeks to train and I’m hoping it will keep me motivated through the winter.

That’s exciting news of the week! In terms of questing, I’ve done ok with my goals. I’ve run three times in three different routes. I did a local parkrun and set a new fastest mile time-pleased about that! I ticked off a garmin sprinty speed run and also a chilled run over a hill. I haven’t run since Saturday but I’m determined to get my theee runs this week so I’ll go today and tomorrow (probably short today, longer tomorrow). I’ve been running long enough that it’s ok to run consecutively,

My other goal was to start increasing weights and I’ve done that. I went up by 2.5kg for squats at bodypump. Thought I was going to have horrific DOMS but it’s been fine. Result! I’ll keep to that for a bit and see. I’m more nervous jacking up the heavier weights I do on my own in the gym-I’m more confident with a PT. Perhaps for Christmas I’ll treat myself to a session or two just to remind myself I’m fine and won’t break in half!!

So this week…

It’s snuck up on me that I’ve got a race next weekend. I suppose I should prepare for that!! That means sleep, eat, bit of taper (it’s only 10k) and work out how to get there!! It’s my first solo race and I’m a bit nervous about that!

Have a great week everyone 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toMissUnderstanding

You're a very busy lady MissUnderstanding . Good luck with the 10k, working out how to get there sounds a bit challenging lol, you're going to do fantastically :)

The 10k is a good step towards marathon training. I really admire anyone who attempts the marathon, even a HM is a bit beyond my comfort zone. Your speed runs will get the run finished more quickly (my main mental block to these longer distances is the sheer time it would take to run them at my very slow pace). Three runs a week is a great goal, challenging but doable.

The weights will help your strength and endurance. You truly are Wonder Woman!

You have a great week too :)

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toYesletsgo

Thank you! I know what you mean about the long runs being time consuming and totally get that…I’ve got a busy period up until Christmas and now I’m actually looking forward to those long runs as a treat for when it eases off again!! I think 10k is my current happy distance-it’s one I can show up for without thinking too much and the training isn’t too much of a commitment. It’s such a nice distance to run. We’ll see how the long one goes!! It’s exciting!

CBDB profile image

week 2 already!? Paris, Greece, oh my. Jetsetting lufe, right? But we had Anna’s gorgeously deep blue sky yesterday in the uk as in your picture! So rare!

My goals are going well and I’m quite excited about most of them:

1) keep running 2-3 times (✅) and start the 10k plan later this or next month (in last week’s quest post, I misspelled it to 19k … 😳😱🤪)

2) successfully do the A10 25day walking challenge (✅ yes we are on day 10 and I’ve done lunchtime walks 10 times!)

3) continue with my 5k rowing plan, finishing it in November (✅ am on week 2 row 3, so going well)

4) continue doing daily 5 Tibetan Rites (✅ mostly I use it as a cool down stretch after rowing, but a tick is a tick, right?)


5) I posted a Rope Flow challenge on S&F, so I’ll be doing that this coming week as well!!!! CAN’T WAIT!!! 😛📿🪢 link is here healthunlocked.com/strength...

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toCBDB

I really can't complain about anything at the moment but I'll be back home next month so the whining can restart 😂

Glad you clarified about the 10/19K challenge, I know how driven you are to complete things so an odd distance like 19k sounded sort of credible for you :) 10k however is a lot more manageable.

Looks like goals 2-4 are going well too, which is always good to hear.

The rope flow is intriguing . While there's no shortage of ropes on a sailing boat there is a definite shortage of space and level surfaces. I might try it when I get back! In the meantime wishing you success with it!

Keep Questing CBDB :)

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