Yesterday was a busy day with not much space for running. You know that feeling when your legs just want to go? I felt itchy all day and at 830pm there was finally a window. Bit of a debate about whether it was too late but there was a chill in the air and the night was bright. I was not going to miss the opportunity for a cool run!
Time to find the dark run kit. That’s a light fluro jacket, t shirt with reflecting bits and a head torch. I absolutely love a run in the dark and k was raring to go! MrU came with me for a warm up walk. It was lovely to spot some bunnies and bats. I was a bit chilly which is usually a good sign that I’ve got my kit about right. After about ten minutes walk, MrU turned for home and I started running.
I haven’t posted any run reports lately because my runs have been so miserable. I’d put that down to post-Covid but I think I’ve been massively underestimating the effect of the heat and humidity. This is the first run in ages where k haven’t felt super hot, and I finally felt good! I’d almost forgotten what if feels like to run like this. Calm and comfortable and absolutely brilliant.
I hadn’t really thought much my route. I was part way along an old favourite couch to 5k path and I decided to follow that for a little while. Up a stony path dodging the brambles. Along a country lane with Shetland ponies in a field-the foals are super cute. Down a little path with a friendly cat. Divert onto a little path with smoother terrain-always better in the dark. Before I knew it, I’d been running for just over ten minutes and it was time to turn for home. By now I’d settled into a lovely rhythm and when twenty minutes had passed I dropped to a walk. Couch to 5k’s week 5 run 3 was best run of the program and this twenty minute run was a mood booster in much the same way. I can’t remember the last time I felt like this on a run. I’m hoping that once cooler weather comes and I’m further away from covid, runs will be as enjoyable as this one! It was absolutely worth the time to get out and get a couple of miles in the legs. Still in a good mood this morning!
Anyone else a lover of the dark run?