It's flipping March, I couldn't believe it when I checked and I haven't run 5k since 20th December. And it took me a whole 50 minutes!
Wind back a bit, get up make tea, message from daughter, have you had your run yet? I wonder if she's being encouraging. It wasn't even 8 o clock.
My tea was still too hot to drink.
We message and make plans for later, and I'm as usual going off the idea.
Willow gives me an encouraging speech and I sit and drink my tea.
Up and get ready. Now I'd had an idea, not my brightest but I have 4 pairs of running shoes, none of them totally worn out. I've been thinking I should wear them out, so this morning put the original running shop gait analysis shoes I'd bought on.
Didn't feel very cushioned, I remember when I got them I thought I ran faster in my cheap eBay Reebok's.
Talk about pounding the pavement though, I know some favour barefoot running but every step jarred. I decided quite quickly these would be relegated to gardening shoes.
Towards the sea turn off round the industrial estate, it's always really quiet at the weekends, on I run, very slow.
Today I'd chosen It's Ok 5k NRC and Beautiful South music. I hadn't listened to these songs for ages so found myself singing along.
It's a grey day with splashes of colour in front gardens, I soon stopped noticing the cool breeze in my face and was enjoying myself
Took a couple of little walk breaks after 3k, and then the last kilometre and the usual argument between brain and legs, come on says brain, I want to get home, shut up says legs I want to walk, faster says brain and on we go bicker bicker bicker.
Round the block and coach says done, but I had started NRC before Garmin so ran on a little more.
I'd like to blame the uneven pavements, the up and down kerbs and the shoes of course but in all honesty my fitness made me slow and only consistent running will change that.
Run happy or rest well