Well I couldn’t not run my local 10k, given that it’s 10 minutes from home could I? Even if it meant I had done 4 races in a month 😳 Mr S and I had a lovely evening yesterday with linda9389 and her hubby in a very busy Italian restaurant followed by a slightly quieter pub in Uphill. Awake at 4.40am, up to make tea at 6.45am GMT meant it seemed a very long time until we met up with my running club and Hedgehogs123 at 9.30am. Quick photo and a warm up routine and we were off to join the very crammed start pens for a 10.00am start. The weather, thankfully, was much better than last year’s monsoon conditions being dry, mild and overcast. The route is a relatively flat route around Uphill Lincoln, finishing by the Cathedral before strolling across the cobbles in Castle Square to meet up with friends and family inside the Castle. Linda and Hedgehogs had fantastic runs (which I am sure they will tell you about) finishing 3rd and 4th in our age category. I was miles behind, finishing in 1.07.02, 17/48 in our age category. Frustratingly, when I checked back, I was 4 SECONDS slower than last year - wish I hadn’t slowed down for the water station 😭😭 But I was 23 seconds faster than Venice last week!
Race no. 4 - City of Lincoln 10k: Well I... - Bridge to 10K
Race no. 4 - City of Lincoln 10k

Well done Sandie1961 - fab run and lovely photos! How great that you also met up with linda9389 and Hedgehogs123 . Sounds like a great weekend was had by all! 🙂🏅

Well done Sandie1961 what a lot of races you have run, and how lovely to meet up with others from here

Fabulous run in a wonderful location...lovely photographs too. Meeting up either friends too..perfect!
Well done you

You’re doing an amazing job of keeping this together Sandie! Super well done on even getting around another race so close to the last one. 👍💪
Thank you 😊 Just wish I could get rid of this cold. Getting really fed up now
I do hope it resolves soon Sandie. You certainly deserve a rest!
I started coming down with something in the past week. Mainly fine but weak during the day and then a bout of shivers in the evening followed by massively overheating. Weird but I think it might be exhaustion as I’ve had a really busy and tiring week. Temperature is normal.

A big congratulations to you Sandie1961 on running your local 10K after last weeks at Venice and the other events too, been a busy running month for you, those are lovely photos.

well run Sandie1961 , and a great group photo.

Wow you are like the Duracell bunny Sandie, but you are right, there is something special about doing a race on your doorstep. The people cheering you on are your own community.
How lovely to catch up up with Linda and Hedgehogs too. 1:07 sounds very good to me.
I’m sure next weekend will be fun too, and a little more relaxing.

Well done Sandie1961 on completing another 10k in a very good time. I was wondering whether you could comment on which parkrun is best - Lincoln or Doddington Hall. I will be in Lincoln in November and was wondering which one I should do?! 🤗
I personally prefer Doddington Hall. The parking is better, there’s the cafe for after, it’s smaller and out and back, whereas Lincoln is 3 laps of the park. Lincoln is more sheltered if the weather is poor though. Let me know when you’re coming and I’ll come along 😀
Thanks Sandie1961 I'm planning on being in Lincoln on 26th November and I will be driving so easier parking at Doddington Hall sounds good to me. Also I would tick of the "Great Halls of Fire" parkrun challenge if I did it as well as ticking off "D" in my alphabet parkrun challenge. Please let me know if you think you will be able to come along on that day and maybe we could run it together! 🤗
Nothing in the calendar, so it’s a date Jogger22 👏👏
Great Sandie1961 I look forward to it. Shall we meet at the first timers briefing?! 🤗

Brilliant Sandie. You have so much shiny new bling and how lovely to see Linda again, plus meet Hedgehogs too! What did you do before running? 😅

Lincoln certainly puts on a great race! You did your home city proud with your own fabulous run too. ut ou must be absolutely exhausted by now ... not to mention rather proud I hope! I can almost hear your medal holder groaning from here ... 👏👏👏

Brilliant run Sandie. You've certainly got the racing bug and how wonderful to meet up in person with HU pals.
I've never raced, or run with anyone else at all for that matter. I was thinking about running my local 10k a couple of months back, but chickened out in the end.
For me, the whole social scene is so important, especially because I went from a busy job to retirement during lockdown and realised just how important that human contact is to me. I know a lot of people prefer to run alone for a whole host of reasons and I’ll happily go off on my own to do a specific type of run, to explore new places or just to clear my head.
I love the races, but they’re not for everyone. Just find a small one somewhere local and give it a go if you are tempted. You’ll either be hooked or will never do another!