Thank you to everybody who was so encouraging about my 10k. I think I did you proud
I met my friend Sandra at the start, she was really pleased I'd come along. If it hadn't been for her Facebook post I wouldn't have signed up. Her husband pointed out we were wearing the same shoes!
We started the race together but she's a good 10 years younger so, as expected, very soon speeded into the distance. I, meanwhile, was desperately trying to slow down. Not so easy when you're full of enthusiasm, energy and peer pressure lol.
Very soon there were lots of runners way ahead of me and hardly any behind. I overtook two ladies who were walking, they weren't that much slower than me but you know how it is.
About 1km in another woman, Nicci, drew level with me and we started chatting. The kms sped by, we were both comfortable at the same sort of pace and the fact we could keep a conversation going suggests we were both within our comfort zones. It was a bit faster than I'd intended but the effort was fine so why slow down?
The first water station, where we moved from road to fields, was very welcome. Had a brief chat with the volunteers and set off again. Lots of plastic cups were scattered over the field, the elite boys obviously have no 'time to stop and stare'.
We followed the perimeter of an arable field. By now I knew I was approaching the place I normally run. Suddenly there was a big green barn to my left. It looked familiar but I'd been so busy chatting I was slightly disorientated until I realised I'd joined my normal route. Knowing I was less than 5km away from the end was a huge boost. Nicci isn't local so I was able to reassure her that we were doing great, not too far to go now.
Another water station and the climb to the sea wall. Nicci found the path a bit of a challenge but I realised that I'm so used to it that it didn't even register how uneven it is until she pointed it out. The kms slipped by until the mud path gave way to tarmac. My husband was there waiting to take a photo of me.
After this we were into the last 1500 metres. I'd had Coach Bennett on my headphones but hadn't been listening but now he said to slow down a bit. I think I needed to hear that. Then another, final water station and along the quayside to the finish. I speeded up a bit knowing the end was in sight, and Nicci and I crossed the finish line together.
Official time was 01:19:25, which I am more than happy with.
As to all the tech, my husband asked me to wear his watch so that we could compare it with the readings on mine. I started it as we set off, then realised that I hadn't got my watch running. I also had NRC's 10 k run going. That told me that I did 9.95km in 1:17:40.
Sandra met me at the finish and gave me a glass of prosecco. I don't drink during the daytime but it would have been rude not to. It felt absolutely fantastic to have finally done this distance, and in a very respectable time.
I'm so pleased I decided to do this!