This morning dawned sunny and inside the house it was cosy and warm, could almost be summer...until I opened the door. The forecast -10C was here but it looked so inviting that me and Mr OBK put our running gear on and off we went.
As a concession to the distinct chill, I wore a woolly hat, long sleeved t-shirt, jumper, windproof jacket, thermal knee socks and mittens (mother in law assures me they're warmer than gloves) as well as my normal leggings and trainers. A short warm up walk and we were running over the frozen snow. I had no idea how noisy it would be, crunching with every step.
Passed two sad stray dogs by the level crossing. They have ear tags and people feed them but they don't like having their photo taken. Poor things, even with their fur coats they must be frozen.
Did 5k along the forest roads then back home. I was pretty warm apart from my thighs which only had the thin leggings as protection from the elements. The skin was completely numb when I touched them. Ooh, a DIY fat freezing session, who needs beauty salons?
Breakfast was porridge and deep fried savoury donut type things filled with mashed potatoes. I'd earned it. And what did I do for the rest of the day? Well of course I went to the beach!! PS I didn't swim, I'm not that bonkers!!!