Spurred on by the enthusiasm from a few of you on here for the Nike guided runs, I've been giving them a try lately. Today was my long run so I decided to give Coach Bennett a whirl using his 10k run.
Well it started off really weird - i couldn't find my pace, my watch kept telling me I was doing 11.30 per km for goodness sake! But I eventually settled down and off I plodded. Was marvellous!
It was an out and back along the cycle track and on the homeward leg I passed a couple of people with a huge black alsatian. It was off the lead and had its eye on me so I slowed to a stop to let it past me. My heart nearly stopped when I noticed that it was actually foaming at the mouth!!!! Anyway it satisfied itself with just giving me an evil look as it slevvered its way past. Whew!
Then the hunger kucked in and there was not a haribo in sight. So stomach complaining mightily I persevered for the final 2k. But very pleased that's my longest run in a long time - 8k!