One week, one runner, zero/one run 😁🦌🏃🏼‍♀️ - Bridge to 10K

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One week, one runner, zero/one run 😁🦌🏃🏼‍♀️

GailXrunning profile image
41 Replies

Strictly speaking (if we abide by my app), today’s run belongs to the coming week, not to the one just gone. And part of me is minded to ‘save’ the run until next week so that I can be in sync with the app and its aggregate weekly/monthly stats, which will save me some back-of-envelope maths. But... there are (for me, exciting) reasons to report it now.😁

My last run was eight days ago, just before the Arctic descended. I’d imagined I’d venture out into this ‘for the experience’ - once it looked safe (I didn’t want to risk adding strain on the local hospital). Then, remembering some advice I’d read (here?), I decided that this week would be near-perfectly timed to be my periodic ‘rest week’ (five and a half months of regular running). So, positively framed thus, I have spent a week not-running and not feeling guilty about not-running. The added bonus was not-fretting about judging outdoor conditions. I’ve done extra online classes in yoga, Pilates and qigong to make up.

Now, here’s the first weirdness. Having stopped running, I noticed the return of what I’ve assumed to be a bit of arthritis in my right hip. This long predates GailXrunning and causes most discomfort when lying in bed (might need a softer mattress?) The niggles I’d observed more recently (same hip, but different place) have gone. What a confusing mess these bodies of ours can be!

Undeterred, I decided that today would be the best choice (weather- and work-wise) for my running comeback. I admit to having felt a tad nervous as I prepared. No idea why! 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷 Anyway, the jitters were dispatched once out of the door.

My run was solo 🏃🏼‍♀️ (M opting to stay in bed), starting just before 8.00, after my usual 5-minute brisk walk and the prior-to-that kitchen warmup routine while multitasking to feline needs (cats are not happy about some of my moves!) I’d noticed that one particularly nice section of my runs (the old lane) always came at the end of my sessions, so today I switched it around; that was my first destination. Street orchard, minipark, back-snicket orchard, street jiggle, and there’s the old lane. I really like this spot because it’s quiet, almost traffic free, and it’s great to peek over the garden walls at the backs of old houses or study the new architectural homes on the lane itself. Being my first outing in just over a week, and mindful of my hip, I deliberately set off very, very slowly. At the end of the old lane, I decided not to run back up it (tbh, I’d not really thought about where I’d go after this point, beyond not wanting to go to the busy park). Instead, I veered off through some uncharted residential and main streets (still quiet at this hour) looping all the way to my local park, but approaching it from a fresh direction. Without the counterclockwise-fixated M to demur, I went clockwise, just to see things differently.

The sun was now breaking through an overcast sky - a lovely diffused milky golden light, like turmeric latte. The temperature was zero and a feels-like -3 degrees. The park tracks were nicely firm, the mud deep-frozen, and I was the only runner using them. Everyone else stuck to the pathways. (Was I missing something? Was there some big sign saying ‘keep off the grass’?) I put in a circuit and a half, twice traversing the embankment track and the northern stretch. For part of the former, I was able to take the small high trail (more rabbit track) and then to strike out free-form across the grassy downs. (No mud! Yeah! Run wherever I like!!) I did some active smiling and chatting to the parakeets and pigeons.

Now here’s the other twist: this turned out to be my fastest run since 1st December, when, freshly graduated from c25k, I completed 4.07km in 30:09 mins, with average pace of 7:24 minutes per km. Today was 5.35km, 40:03 minutes, 7:29 average pace. I was not pushing or trying; on the contrary, this was supposed to be a super gentle return-to-run run. Pace was of no interest. But improved pace I got. My splits: 7:52, 7:20, 7:34, 7:34, 7:13. 7:10. OMG! 😳 How?

I was employing nasal breathing, as I have been since new year, keeping it really relaxed - both physically and mentally - using some occasional exhales through the mouth, as and when needed. Since starting this experiment, my overall pace has been straddling the 8:00 minutes per km mark, dipping below it in my most recent runs.

More: Today, I didn’t include my first walk interval until c.3km in (last week, it was c.0.9 to 1km) - and that was primarily to deploy the hankie and for a photo opp. (I hate clearing my nose while running because the whole kerchief kerfuffle knocks my flow and leaves me feeling ‘off’; so I find walking is best as a way to ‘mark the difference’ and then return to the run feeling ‘right’. Maybe I’m a bit weird there! 😂) I slowed to walking pace just two more times, both very brief (10-15 seconds). This is also different to my recent runs, where the intervals have been more frequent. So, this entire run involved only 3 very short walk intervals. My ‘recovery’ time - if that’s the right way to describe the walk segments - seems to be ever swifter. I seem to need fewer walk intervals. And... I go faster?!!

Message seems to be: taking a ‘break’ is really ‘consolidating’. Am I seeing things? Has my running app gone bonkers? Hope not! Has my 2021 breathing project started to yield results? Will this sustain into my next runs? Hope so! 😁😁😆🤞🏃🏼‍♀️🦌

Happy running or recovering! Hope you are all well.

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GailXrunning profile image
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41 Replies
Bambi2020 profile image

Sounds like all your hard work is now paying dividends 👍🏻 I was out today too, still snowy and icy here in places on the paths but felt good to be out

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Bambi2020

That’s great. How are you finding the return to outdoors? I recall you saying it felt a bit odd after your weeks of running in the garage.

There’s still ice in places (notably on top of my garden trugs, where it appears to be 3D!), and there was still a nippy breeze (but nothing like it has been). Complete shift in weather in the coming week...

Bambi2020 profile image
Bambi2020Graduate10 in reply to GailXrunning

I’ve found the transition back to running on concrete again surprisingly hard. I’ve kept to short runs but my legs have felt the difference and my ankles have felt a little achey and a bit stiff which I’ve never had before. Hadn’t helped walking to work in snow boots half hour each way for a few days - think that added to it too so I hadn’t ran since Tuesday- thought I’d completely rest them and do some stretches each day- seem better. Def going to stay away from running machine if this is what it leaves you with when you try to go back outside. Was worried what aches today’s run would bring but they seem fine at the moment - was really good to be out

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Bambi2020

So interesting to hear about your experience. I guess the indoor phase was largely a ‘needs must’ rather than a choice. Since I have branched out from my c25k park (where I ended today’s run), I’ve found myself more often on hard street surfaces, and I do notice the difference even with park tracks. Hopefully conditions will ease up in coming weeks and be gentler on our joints. Yesterday I realised that we’re getting close to spring solstice... spring and summer are coming our way!

Bambi2020 profile image
Bambi2020Graduate10 in reply to GailXrunning

Yes, will be lovely, although will be interesting to see how we manage in the hot weather- I hate getting hot when I run, even in this cold weather, I find my jacket gets wrapped around my waist at some point

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Bambi2020

😂 True. I do like the cooler weather for running. Hadn’t thought too much about scorcher days. New challenges! 🥵

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate10 in reply to Bambi2020

In hotter weather I tend to run in the mornings, before the heat of the day.

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to nowster

Will be new for me, having only started c25k in September.

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate10 in reply to GailXrunning

Back in July/August, I'd be out at 7-7.30am regularly.

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to nowster

Interestingly, these have almost become my winter running times (in an effort to avoid crowds).

What a great read GailX, interesting that since having a break myself the last few weeks my old achy hip is back, some parts of the body seem to do better in running mode it seems, my planned week off has turned into 3 on account of the severe weather, risk assessment for running (in Covid speak Tier 5! ) done on today’s ‘walk’ more accurately described as an ‘expedition’. Based on your experience when the ice melts I should be off like a gazelle, so fingers crossed my experience follows yours. The light has been so beautiful recently to capture some lovely shots, your turmeric latte sky looks delicious, enjoy 🤗

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to

I’m sipping it slowly!! Isn’t it weird this body thing?! ... and it’s not just me (phew!) It’s as if running completely dispatched some old ailments. That said, I was conscious of the longer term discomfort as I ended today’s run, but am hoping it eases.

Hope you gazelle away when you’re able to do more than your best impressions of an Arctic explorer.

SueAppleRun profile image

What a lovely run i’m going to look up the nasal breathing thing and give it a try, I tend to breathe in through my nose most the time already Oh that hanky thing, on my solo runs I so miss Willow with his wad of tissue in his pocket just for me

Happy running

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to SueAppleRun

😂🤧 Cotton hankies - the only way I can survive.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to GailXrunning

Cotton hankies are lovely aren’t they?

Hareshaw-Granny profile image

Great post from you. Very interesting re hip pain. I’m currently on hopefully just a small break with left knee issues. Sometimes you don’t know which way to turn. Keeping positive and hoping it’s not too long. Enjoy, stay safe and happy running.

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Hareshaw-Granny

Thank you. Very best wishes for your knee recovery too.

Jools2020 profile image

Fabulous post from you, GailX and an excellent run! Perhaps the break was just what you needed. 👏👏👏🏃‍♀️👍

Strange the lessening of some niggles while other old ones have returned.

You really seemed to have embraced the nasal breathing.

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Jools2020

Thanks. It’s odd, isn’t it. The one I do think was running related kicked off as I gradually extended runs, but had largely subsided with the new year project and jeffing. It’ll be interesting to monitor in coming weeks.

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Jools2020

Btw Haven’t spotted a post from one of your runs. They’re always such a highlight to read! 😁 I do hope you are well and aren’t injured.

Jools2020 profile image
Jools2020Graduate10 in reply to GailXrunning

Thank you for noticing - I hurt my leg /back a week ago, walking, that’s better now. The last few days I’ve been dealing with solicitors, estate agents and all sorts and it’s been so stressful I just had a break from running. Hope to run over the weekend 😊

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Jools2020

Sometimes a break is necessary, if unwanted. You might even come back all the stronger for it this weekend.🤞😊

Jools2020 profile image
Jools2020Graduate10 in reply to GailXrunning


LottieMW profile image

Great post Gail! 👍

Interesting to see the effects of a “rest week”...and how we seem to end up going faster when we’re not trying! 🤷🏻‍♀️

The milder weather is already here in the west...and the rain 🙄☔️

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to LottieMW

Thanks. I don’t think I’m the first to have seen this seeming paradox play out. Mind you, I’m now hoping it’s not a fluke.

I think we’ll be lucky to dodge avoid the wet weather this week.

LottieMW profile image
LottieMWAmbassador in reply to GailXrunning

Annoyingly today looks fine...and it’s a recovery day 🙄

Runforurlife profile image

Great post and a good read for those of us on the IC!! Living vicariously through you now and your running adventures 😊 Sounds like your break has done you good and you’re back with a better pace too 💪🏼💪🏼 Our bodies are strange things. Those long term niggles and pains that lay dormant then wham 💥 they’re back. I think we’ve all experienced that and I know I am right now. Frustrating! Hope you can find some ways to alleviate your hip aches and pains. I’ve recently been doing a great ITB stretch that has the added benefit of a hip stretch too. The joys of physio exercises!

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Runforurlife

Great to hear from you, but sorry to hear that you’re still laid up. (Obv, not literally!) And happy to be offering some vicarious runs. 😁

I’d love to know your ITB stretch. I’m always unconvinced by the ‘standard’ one (standing, legs crossed, hip pushed to side), as is M. Can’t feel a thing. I have wondered if this might be because of doing yoga. 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘‍♂️🧘🏾

Runforurlife profile image
RunforurlifeGraduate10 in reply to GailXrunning

Yes, patience and fortitude is certainly being tested here but I am pressing on with my rehab and hope I'll get out for a gentle jog soon 🤞 My ITB stretch is the one you describe but I put my hips to the opposite side that is instructed (whoops, prob going to cause all kinds of ructions me suggesting this but I find it works for me!) So:

In a standing position preferably with a chair in front of you for balance, cross your right leg behind your left and place your feet a short distance apart. Gently bend forwards and to the RIGHT. Works for me and obvs I don't push too deep, just a gentle stretch. x

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Runforurlife

Will be giving that tweaked version a go. 🪑Thanks

dijep profile image

Lovely long interesting post, I feel like I've run with you 😊 I've just started having walk intervals in a comeback from a knee issue that had me on the couch for a couple of weeks. And certainly on my last trip out I found there wasn't a lot of difference between it and my previous running times. And I agree it certainly gives you that time to deal with a dripping nose 🤣

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to dijep

🤣Thank you. That was definitely my experience until now/yesterday’s run. Jeffing made negligible difference to my pace, and was improving without me trying. (I guess if ones in the frame of making finer-grain gains on a PB this might be less ‘negligible’.) Yesterday, post-rest, it went through an unexpected big jump.

Very best wishes for your knee and enjoy those run-walk-runs!

Jericho2332 profile image

Little break seems to have worked wonders! Well done for getting out in these awful conditions 👌🏻

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Jericho2332

Thanks. Tbh the worst of the weather was on the way out down here, so conditions were fine. In fact, the frozen ground is far preferable to me than the mud. I especially like it when there’s still a tiny bit of ‘give’ in it. You got out every day all through last week! 💪🏼

Jericho2332 profile image
Jericho2332Graduate10 in reply to GailXrunning

I am slightly mad 🤣🤣 il try to run in almost anything, yesterday defeated me though.

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Jericho2332

You’re amazing (too!!) 😂🤣😂 The odd setback is (as they say) ‘character building’ - or, at least, brings some fresh perspectives!

Indielass00 profile image

Really good post GailXrunning ! I like that you’re like me you don’t pre plan your route from start to finish. You know where you want to set off or end up, but how you get there you go with the flow on your route. I’m definitely that type of runner. I like to be free and spontaneous. I love that you did a part of run in reverse as you were on your own so you could navigate it and experience something you wouldn’t normally it you weren’t solo.

Well done! Also that’s the pace I was more or less doing yesterday with ease, a great feeling for sure! 😀

As for hip, hope it improves.

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Indielass00

Haha! A fellow spirit! It’s what allows those mad squirrels to surprise us. 🤣🐿🐿 (If anyone else reads this, they’ll be totally bamboozled by this esoteric reference!😂)

Indielass00 profile image
Indielass00 in reply to GailXrunning

😂😂 Or maybe we change our route to try and outsmart them! 😂 I was going to say at least you don’t have seagulls trying to poop on your head! But maybe you have to dodge the 🐦 pigeons!!! 😬

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunning in reply to Indielass00

😂 Our pigeons tend to mooch about on the grass.

Indielass00 profile image
Indielass00 in reply to GailXrunning

Yes nothing like confusing fellow runners ! 🐿 😂

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