I'm a little behind now on the Magic Plan because of my holiday. My plan was to run yesterday, but the long drive back from North Wales seemed to exhaust me, and the snooze gremlins struck this morning again.👿💤💤
So I was determined run this evening after work, otherwise I would be even further behind.
I've run this route, past the Rugby Club and around the Leisure Centre several times now, but this evening it seemed a lot tougher than normal. There was more traffic than normal on this usually quiet unmade back road and at about 1.5k I got a lungful of petrol fumes from a passing clapped out 4-wheel drive. The air quality seemed generally poor with a distinct smell of bonfire and my breathing was a bit all over the place.
Before my holiday I was running this route after work in the evening sunshine. Tonight the sun had disappeared behind the houses and it was getting dark by the time I was on my cool-down walk. Autumn and the shorter days are definitely on their way.
I'm hoping to run the long run of this weeks Plan on Wednesday morning. This will be an 8k and definitely uncharted territory for me. Fingers crossed my breathing will be sorted for that one.