So...I got a Garmin 45s for my birthday earlier this week. Decided to do a 5 to 10k program from Garmin Connect. Distance, not time, as I have successfully made it to 5k since graduating in June. Yesterday was the benchmark run.
Did a little relaxed 5k bike ride with hubby this morning (he doesn't exercise much so if he says he wants to, I jump to it and go with him). And then changed into my running clothes. Felt fresh still so decided I could do 5k. Slept really well last night for a change.
So...this run was supposed to be 3.22k at slow pace, 1.58k at faster pace, and then 400m even faster.
So I stumbled along trying to figure out how to slow down from my usual snail's pace. (My average for a 5k is about 8:30 - starting at 7:30 and ending at 9:00 as I get tired). Ended up shortening my stride (so basically mincing along) as it feels really weird to try to move my feet less often. Got through the 3.22 at about a 9:30 pace. Then stepped it up to my usual average pace. And at 3.97k my legs were aching, HR was high, and I was sweating buckets.
I gave up. Now it may have been the fact that my route is .5k uphill and then .5k downhill, repeating. Or the fact that I had been for a bike ride already. Or that it was humid. But I just don't know how to do this negative split thing! I slow down over the course of a run instead of speeding up!
I am also fairly sure I need to see a physio to sort out some of the physical reasons I am not running faster. My turnover rate is always 170spm. And I have really long legs. So my stride obviously needs improving!