March Quest: “week” 2: Apologies for the late... - Bridge to 10K

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March Quest: “week” 2

UnfitNoMore profile image
31 Replies

Apologies for the late update... completely forgot about this on Monday. So, we are a third of the way through March, where I am there’s no snow 😀 but every run feels like the one in the photo, even some of the tarmac ones!

Hopefully you’re all on target for your goals this month. The news is all COVID-19 and sadly this is going to threaten some of the events we are training for. If this affects you, just remember why you run... it’s all about you, not a medal and t-shirt. Some runs are likely to be postponed, giving us the opportunity to train for a bit longer, which can’t be a bad thing. Others will cancel and likely offer deferred places or refunds. There’s always another event... stay safe and please check out the NHS advice on the situation rather than news or social media. It’s a time to be cautious, not panic.

It’s been great to see so many of us taking part in the running World Cup, and some amazing mileages have been laid down already. Go team UK (and others) we will be in the last 16 for sure. It’s not too late to sign up, new runners are allowed to enter at any stage.

My personal quest is going OK... I may not be all the way across the bridge by the end of the month, but I’m happy with my progress and it’ll come in April. For anyone looking for a run with no contact with strangers, my local park is deserted when it rains, and it’s just warm enough for that rain to be perfectly refreshing.

Keep enjoying yourselves on the quest.

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UnfitNoMore profile image
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31 Replies
Grannyhugs profile image

Hi UNF love the photo. I’ve been having all seasons in a day here in the north of Scotland but I did get a lovely sunny 11k with more fantastic hills yesterday. Managed loads of long distances incorporating hills so feeling really chuffed.

Waiting to see if self isolation still allows for lone runs at the back of beyond 🤣🤣. I’m hoping with all the health benefits of running we have all built up some immunity or at least the resilience to battle through this virus. 😖Happy running everyone 🤗

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toGrannyhugs

Fantastic running. We are all fitter for this, and that’s always a good thing. Saw a video of someone running miles in a tiny apartment, I think it was in Japan... must find a link... but hopefully it won’t come to that.

Comfortnotspeed profile image

Very apt pic, unfortunately 😂 And here comes the rain again.

You’re right about staying safe and remembering what’s really important. Good luck crossing the bridge 😃

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toComfortnotspeed

Thanks. Loving the rain, just not too keen on the mud. There’s no pleasing me

Happy running

Buddy34 profile image

Hello UNM , glad your running is going well.

I've been running 3x per week and was fortunate to have 2 sunny runs . I've still been running 2 10ks a month , first one done on Monday the next will be at my very first 10k event on 27th March and it's in the dark so that will be something new.

The sun has now done a vanishing act and we are back to wind , rain and sleet😊

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toBuddy34

Just saw your post... looks a lot of fun to me, I must see if there’s any of that crazy near me. I wish I’d waited and ran today, yesterday I got a little too warm! Well done on that 10 and the other runs, maybe the sun will peep back through tomorrow.

AlMorr profile image

Good to hear from you UNM, is that photo of runner's at a parkrun, probably not, did you notice that for about 3 or 4 days that UNM and me AlMorr had the exact same kilometers ran on that VRWC Healthunlocked list, it's not the same now, this morning I ran exactly 6.53 km to bring my overall distance to 20 kilometers.

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toAlMorr

Judging by the race numbers I don’t think so... not as muddy as one of my local ones either 🤣🤣

Yeah, I spotted that a couple of days ago, but you’ve pulled ahead a little since. Nice running my friend.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply toUnfitNoMore

Not much, I am at No. 55 with 20K ran, you are at 60 with 18.88 k ran, my next run is a 5K parkrun on Saturday or a 5k near to where I live depending on the weather.

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toAlMorr

Maybe we’ll be on the same mileage again soon, I have a short run before the weekend and then hoping to get a parkrun/5k in

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi UNM and fellow Questers, the view here from the IC is looking more promising since seeing my physio last week. She was pleased that I can now do 25 heel raises on my bad foot, and gave me an endurance test and new exercises to add in. All strengthening my legs and core.

Not seeing her again until 31st March, as she hopes by then I will be pain free.😊

Still doing yoga daily with my various physio exercises tagged on afterwards and some plankety planks.

My fingers are crossed for everyone with races coming up.🤞Good luck all!😊xxx

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toBluebirdrunner

That’s very good to read... and you’re gonna be coming back strong. Fingers crossed for the 31st

Mum22boys profile image

Lots of words of wisdom there, thank you for that. So, first run last night in 2 weeks, I'm glad it wasn't tonight as I listen to the wind and rain pounding the window!! So, currently well... although I feel the starting of yet another sore throat... I can't believe how unhealthy I must sound this winter, really hoping it comes to nothing 🤞 Keeping up with planks and yoga though 🧘‍♀️ really longing for the better weather!

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toMum22boys

Hang on in there, the better weather is coming. The rain is quite refreshing, but that wind is a pain in the proverbial! Well done getting the run done last night... and those other exercises will have you good and strong for a wonderful spring of running.

GoogleMe profile image

This week hasn't been great for fitness - I think now I'm not going to get any runs or swims in and I've been in an awful slump with yoga and my Lent 15 minutes of tidying. Not 100% sure why - Fitbit has gone nuts and been showing probably 3x the actual steps, just busy too and rather anxious lest a very precious family trip away starting at the crack of sparrowfart tomorrow doesn't come off (will anyone have to self-isolate, will animal carers be unwell... not booked for any mass events fortunately) and juggling meet ups and such like.

*However* last night the yoga just happened and so did the 15 minutes and it is amazing how beneficial all round that was.

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toGoogleMe

Here’s hoping the trip goes ahead and is everything it was meant to be. These are strange times and no wonder we are more likely to hit slumps, we may even have them enforced on us, but we will come out of the other side. Glad to hear that you got a yoga session in and hope that it’s the beginning of you’re getting back to your 100%

roseabi profile image

Well done UNM xxx

I am keeping up with my hip exercises as much as possible. I went to see a physio on Monday and now have even more exercises to do! Feeling a bit overwhelmed, but at least I now know it's nothing serious 😊😊😊

Have deferred my entry to the Brighton Marathon - I'll be interested to see how this works if (when) it gets cancelled, because apparently they check a list of non-appearances against deferral requests before issuing the deferred places. I'll just have to wait and see! Anyway, I plan to be incredibly strong and fast in time for Brighton Marathon 2021 😎

Happy Questing everyone! xxx

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toroseabi

Gotta love a physio when it comes to adding more exercises! I’m sure you’ll get to grips with it all soon. Good to hear that it’s not serious and therefore you’ll be back stronger than ever.

Logically the right thing to do with a cancellation would be to offer refunds/deferrals to all... but that would put a financial strain on some companies running these things for sure, hopefully all events will survive such things... I’m sure the biggest ones will be fine. My mate sometimes does London and Brighton back to back... if he’s doing that this year his wife will be really suffering if both are cancelled, he’s grumpy when he can’t run at the best of times. Maybe someone needs to organise a virtual marathon for all affected runners this year. Solo runs are in theory fine, but of course not to be undertaken lightly as there’s a lack of support.

Looking forward to seeing your new marathon PB next year!!!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply toUnfitNoMore

I had a quick look at the t&cs of Brighton and they say that they won't refund if the reason for cancelling is out of their control - but I imagine they might make some sort of exception in this case. I think it will be very difficult for them to postpone it to later in the year, but we'll just have to wait and see! Since I've deferred anyway it makes no difference to me, but I really hope they come up with a good solution for everyone else. I feel for your mate's wife!

Thanks xxx I'll have to get that PB now you've said that 😊😊😊

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toroseabi

A postponement to the autumn for the odd event would be ok... but with lots of people running a spring and an autumn one it’d be a nightmare scheduling wise if all spring events moved.

My local tiny (~30 runners weekly), usually very muddy, parkrun is cancelled this week due to mud (must be knee deep or something 🤣) so I’m thinking I’ll be skipping this weekend as far as parkrun is concerned and see where we are at next week.

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply toroseabi

What did they say is wrong with YOUR hip? My physio agreed with the diagnosis I’d come to myself via internet research and my chiros advice. Strained gluteus minimus. And gave me virtually the same exercises to do as I’ve been doing at Pilates all along. Still at least he said keep up the running.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply tolimberlou

It was not what I thought! I'd assumed it was muscular, but she thinks I've irritated my hip joint. However, the work is basically the same - strengthening the muscles in my legs and bum 😊 I've been told to carry on with the exercises I had already started doing, and she added in some quadriceps strengtheners, and extra balance work. I'm allowed to run too, but I have to be really aware of my limitations otherwise I'll just keep irritating the hip.

We'll get there! xxx

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply toroseabi


Irish-John profile image

Temps and weather doing the usual at this time if year in my part of the globe - up and down like a yo yo, and rain one minute sunshine the next :)

But, I remember last year traveling to another state for a HM and all the locals complaining about the "heat" and me - I was luxuriating in how temperate it was compared to the temps at the Hacienda lol. I finished ahead of a fair few younger people as a result :) All this up, down, in between, can't make it's mind up weather is basically great for teaching you adaptability :)

Going out to try a new route tonight now that the Compound is on lock down over the Virus. NOT looking forward to dealing with vehicles speeding by, the noise and distraction of same or the frustration of having to dodge dogs, pedestrians, roller bladers, prammy Mammy's and two or three abreast pathway blockers....but just another learning experience that will at some point come in handy on an "important" run :)

And yes - first time in my life I am praying for rain on a Run Day 😁😂😂😂😂

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toIrish-John

Good luck adapting to the lockdown running. Changeable weather has to be good in training... warm weather camps are common now for Pro athletes and running holidays are a growing phenomenon. These same people obviously haven’t read that cold weather training is at least as beneficial... then again, selling me a couple of weeks summer running in Spain may be a little easier than winter running in Siberia!

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate10 in reply toUnfitNoMore

Its hotter and more humid than India here in Summer - but does it ever help build endurance :)

And winter is diabolical - but helps with speed :)

So, as I've slowly come to realise - it's a darn good place to be a Runner :)

But yes, Spain would be very nice... :)

Annieapple profile image

🍏 After great run on Monday have had nausea & vertigo preventing me starting my intervals on Wednesday & definitely no planking for the moment. The latter is a relief 🙈 but not running is a major crisis... however I know they will wait for me. 💔

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toAnnieapple

Yep... with you there the whole way, not running sucks, not planking is a pleasure 🤣🤣

Hope you’re back to 100% soon

Annieapple profile image
Annieapple in reply toUnfitNoMore

🤣👏Thank you!!

RunSkippyRun profile image


thanks for the new post and good luck with your running.

Running has been a solace and refuge this week: just over a week ago I was in hospital for tests and got the tragic-face-look from the nurse - "I'm afraid you need to come in for an op tomorrow". That was eight days ago and last Friday was a confusing and worrying time. I'm expecting to go back for a bigger op in a month or so but for now I'm OK to run.

Actually the best part of this week was my partner telling the nurses "he IS going home tonight!!" - she is rather wonderful at doing this sort of thing (well she's wonderful in lots of ways - whilst I tend to meekness) and we did indeed get home late that night.

Second best thing was, despite the hospital stuff, the joy of getting out and running again. So I have been out a few times including the running group and an 8k trundle. With spring coming and good company it felt ... well joyous.

Anyways, I'm feeeling optimistic for the first 10k which is two days time this Sunday (Covid 19 permitting). On the 8k I started to get hungry right at the end. Question to all: should I consider re-fuelling during the run and, if so, what are your favourite things to eat or drink for energy?

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply toRunSkippyRun

Fingers crossed for the medical side of things... sorry to hear that news. You’re partner does sound amazing. What I do know is being as fit and healthy as possible going into a surgery helps at least a little... so great to see you are OK to keep running right now... and great job getting out there and doing it.

Fuelling is something I don’t do on a 10k, but I do make sure I’ve eaten something light a few hours before. I carry water when running more than five miles (sometimes I have it in the car and run laps) if it’s an event you’re running on Sunday then it’s no issue, they will have a water station or two. I doubt that electrolytes will be a big issue over 10k, someone may correct me, but loading salts can be beneficial on long runs, especially for salty sweaters (apparently the amount of salt in our sweat is genetic and so a constant for each of us) who also sweat a lot. I do grab a snack after a 5 mile or longer run, or time it to end around a meal time.

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