And here's me, looking a bit sweaty, hair all over the place (what's left of it), in my new Asics running top, having run further than I've ever run before!
I decided to keep it to a "chat" pace, so a very slow time (not saying!), figuring it's more important to finish the run than have a fast time - that can come later.
I'm following JuJu's magic running plan - was hoping to do a Parkrun this weekend but the forecast is dire, and Abingdon Parkrun can be a quagmire. I might just do the 5k run on the roads, or try Didcot Parkrun which is largely on tarmac.
Got the 8k route planned out for next week using
To think that in March I weighed 17stone 9 pounds and my blood sugar was in the diabetes range. Nearly 4 stone shed since then, running 7km without a struggle, and diabetes completely reversed (latest blood test puts me in the normal range). Not bad progress, I think!
10k looks doable, though at the present pace it will take me an hour and 20. But the important thing is to do it, not (yet) to do it fast.