My parkrun was quite quiet this weekend so I came 80th and first in my age group but tbf there are never many of us - 2 this week I think. However my age grading is apparently relatively high and I worked out I was about 15th if you were placed on that criteria. Clutching at straws?!!! 😆😆😆
Parkrun age grading bonus!: My parkrun was... - Bridge to 10K
Parkrun age grading bonus!

Sounds like something I would do!! lol.

The great thing about statistics is that you can always find something you like. The age grade column is great for us over middle age. I get joy out of being 1st in ,y age group, even if there’s only me. After all, I’m the only one who got out of bed 😂😂
The record holder for the age group I’m on the edge of is way over 90%!! 😨
There was a lady who in the 55/59 age grading got 99% at Drumpelliier parkrun a few weeks ago.
Respect!! You’d not want to be up against her - just watch and admire.
She wasn't there the day I ran at Drumpelliier, a pity as I was looking for her whizzing past me on the second lap. 😊 🏃🏾
I’m always worried I’ll get overtaken on the first lap. Not yet - as far as I know!!
I do, on my Parkrun! They thunder by like a herd of antelopes and head for home as I start my last lap! But the age grading is so kind, and in 9 months I go up an age group, so I'll be an even better runner! I guess it's just good we're out there at all, us older runners.
Beware! I go up a group in December but the age grading record for our parkrun is over 92% and - guess what - the runner is in that age group!! And it’s a woman. And she’s local although she does come every week 😅. Respect to her.
An age grade of 90% is considered world class. I do know someone with parkrun age grades around 90% and he has been an age group world champion twice, albeit at a longer distance than 5k, so that seems to confirm the claim that it’s a world class runner who gets 90%. To get 100% you have to get around a world record time, though of course it doesn’t count as a world record if you do it at parkrun because parkrun is not a race.
Only against yourself!

Those are not straws Sybilw, they’re facts and evidence! Brilliant! That’s a fact too! Well done you!! 🤩🤗🤗❤️

Thank you!

If we’re gonna be competitive with parkrun, age grading is the only way to rank ourselves... unless we’re teens/twenty somethings which most of us aren’t! No, you’re not clutching at straws, that’s what age grading is for... and it sounds like you’re doing great there.

Hi Sybilw,
I'm sometimes quite chuffed when I get the results that shows I was first in my age category i.e. 75 -79, as I am often the only one. I started c25k last year aged 76.
However, there is 1 other sometimes in my age group and another over80 who beat me. I think they have ran for quite some time and are in running clubs.
So far I have not been in the first 300 but got close to that last weekend.
I'll perhaps start next time at the front instead of the back, because I have liked to give the others a head start.

👍all the park runs are big up here.
When does the age category change - I'm in the 65-69 band but will tickle 70 next month, and wonder when my age status will change for parkrun, anyone know?
Parkrun knows your age so it should be just after your birthday. I joined the 65-69 one last December but as our course I’d muddy in winter I’ve yet to register a proper time in that age group. I still order my (not) parkrun that way though. 😆