Well the clue is in the title😐 Haven’t been able to run for 3 weeks and now have been told by my physio another two to 3 months off! Gutted . I’m gonna miss running and will need to do something else. But nothing cuts it ! Swimming is a hassle - cycling is a bore ! All of you lucky runners enjoy summer runs! Maybe I’ll be back one day. Bye bye all on here 😘
Plantar fasciitis : Well the clue is in the... - Bridge to 10K
Plantar fasciitis

I do feel for you. My friend was incapacitated by PF last summer; it’s so depressing. But do all the exercises- they do work. 🤕
Thanks Dexy - did your friend get back to running ?
She got it before she could start doing c25k. But she is now on week 6, with no problems. Her name is @OldGirlruns if you want to contact her. I’m sure she can let you know what she did. But patience is needed.
Thanks so much I’ll see if I can find her .
The important thing is not to wear flip flops or other unsupportive shoes. I bought her some special socks online too. Google nhs plantar faciitus for exercises. Good luck

Sorry to hear this CatMo... that couple of months will fly by, and Autumn running is much more comfortable 😓...you will be back and we will be here waiting.
Take care enjoy your summer, walking, cycling, swimming will all keep you active and fit.😊xx
Thanks Jan ! I’m thinking of joining the lido for the summer now to keep the fitness up... and true it is very hot for running now 😊
Hi, I don't know anything about PF. Would having a gait analysis help and a special insole? I was offer one today (for £45! 😵) I realise it may be too late now. Can you use a cross trainer?
Hi Angie - yes you’re right I do need the insole - I did have that and gait analysis but it still wasn’t enough for my old feet 🙄 I think cos I’d been running further I may have over done it. 😑 I think it’s worth it though - but now am thinking maybe they should have given me a supportive trainer rather than neutral ... although the sports therapist said neutral and so did the shop ....?

Oh CatMo, so sorry to hear about your PF!! It’s a long time to delay of course, but it’s not a denial. One thing for sure is that the time will pass and running will still be here. Maybe your other, in the meanwhile activities, will mean that recovery is swifter than anticipated. Best wishes!! 🤗❤️

Oh what a shame CatMo. Please don’t write running off though. You’ll need some rest from it for a while, but you’ll come back.
I had a mild case of PF during C25K. I was able to continue running, in fact I found it didn’t hurt as much as walking. I used all sorts of aids - compression sock, tubular bandage, gel insert - I’m not sure if they were all necessary but they were placebo at the very minimum! It lasted a few weeks and gradually subsided. It hasn’t ever returned, nearly a year later, *touch wood* 🤞 Like I say, it must have been mild for me to run on it. I’m not advocating that you try!
So continue exercising as you can, and maybe you’ll surprise yourself with a quicker recovery than you expect. Good luck! 😀
Ooo that’s good to know cheeky chipmunk 🐿 Okay I have a few things to google now 😁 When I get back to running I can see myself doing the C25k again !!! Third time lucky maybe 😊😁
I had a heel pain this morning and it was mild but now I have all sorts of worries in my mind because I’ve heard so many people talk about PF! Are there any over the counter remedies do you know! It’s an inflammation isn’t it so maybe ibuprofen?!
Oh Catmo13 I am really sorry to read this. PF is so painful. I hope that rest and exercises will see the back of it and really hope one day you can get those trainers on again. Take care and speedy healing.
Oh no, what a bummer. Take care of yourself and do the exercises.

Oh no. I feel your pain! I'm stuck in an ortho boot with a stress fracture in my foot. Havent run since mid May and going to be a while yet. I've taken out my bike after not touching it for about 8 years. Like you, I considered it a bore and didn't even consider using it for cross training between runs. But I can honestly say it has kept me sane over the last few weeks. I really feel as if I'm keeping the fitness in my legs and glutes and that I'm pushing my cardio. I'm out in the fresh air with quality me time again. I'm also finding new routes! Do try it. You never know you might find it different since running? I'm also doing some Caroline Jordan videos from you tube - 'hurt foot workouts' - to help keep upper body and core in shape. Sympathy, good luck and speedy healing. You'll be back 👍
Thanks Linda. Oh no was that caused by running ? Good to hear that you have found joy in cycling! My hubby is a long distance cyclist so I have lots of bike advice from him 😁. Thanks for sharing your pain it helps to know I’m not the only one and I hope we can both get back to running some time 😊
Yes, probably from running. And yes, we will be back - me with a new found love for my bike 😂, maybe you too All the very best.
Thanks. So how can you prevent the stress fracture? Is it more common in post meno women I wonder ? Just been for a swim and am pleased with that - thanks again 🏊♀️
I'm not sure how to prevent it! Take vit D, eat calcium rich foods, build up gradually, stretch before, etc. Apart from foot stretches I pretty much did all that - calcium may be a bit low. I did my first three HMs in about 8 weeks having trained carefully. I guess it was just too much. With hindsight, there were warning signs which I won't ignore next time. When I finally get to the fracture clinic a week Monday I will be asking the question how to avoid it happening again (whilst still running HMs of course 😀)
Haha good attitude! Yes ask lots of questions - I have a friend who had the same and she was told her bones were not strong enough and she had to do Hiit training . Good luck 😉
Eek. Thats not what I want to hear. I am post menopausal though, so we willl see!
But on a positive note her bones have now really strengthened so the hiit worked and she upped her calcium intake too. Plus yours is probably not the same cause I’m sure🌟
That's really good. Just realised, by me taking calcium supplements for the last two weeks that would likely confuse any screening they may do. Hey ho. Would rather get fixed first.
I had PF for about a month and then it mysteriously vanished. I put a tin of beans in the freezer to make it ice cold and then took it out when frozen & rolled my foot over it. Really eases the pain.
The other thing that helps is standing on a step with your heels half off & gently stretch the heels down (it helps lengthen the Achilles‘ tendon & loosens things up).
Hope it goes away soon! ☀️

That’s unfortunate. I had it once before I started running but didn’t know what it was so didn’t know whether to rest it or walk it off. So it got a lot worse before I finally saw sense and went to my GP, who told me exactly what you’ve been told: rest it and it gets better by itself but it may take some months. The nature of my job meant I was still walking more than I should have been, but I did my best to rest it and it did indeed get better with no treatment other than rest but yes it took a considerable time. You have my sympathy but please be reassured it will get better in its own time and you’ll be able to run again. When you are able to consider running, maybe investigate running shoes with extra cushioning.
Thanks Arthur - yes I may have to get some more new trainers although only been running 18mo months and already had 2 pairs ! I have gone back to swimming to keep me fit in the meantime 😊

Of course you will be back!.
My husband had this for a few months, but eventually he got back to his previous Gazelle like form😶 he runs miles I run kms!!!!

I'm so sorry to hear of your PF - I had a mild form some years ago and it was very painful. Do look after yourself, get the best advice you can and follow it. I've managed to tear my plantar fascia this week and I suspect that will be a long recovery and a lifetime of further problems. Hey ho. Into the gym for at least 3 months!
Oh no I’m so sorry to hear that! How did you do that? Thanks Pianism I will stick to no running and my treatment plan from physio - good luck with your recovery too x 🍀
Okay I’ve been to your post and saw you did a speedy 10km!! Well if you will do these crazy things 🤪 I’m just jealous as never got further than 6km 😊
Had physio yesterday and found the benefits of proper advice... turns out my physio is a marathon runner. First thing she told me was to take the orthotics out of my shoes as they aren't designed for use with support shoes. Next she had a look at my foot and it turns out it isn't a torn plantar fascia at all - it's one of the other ligaments. So should be back up and running in 3 months. If you can afford it, get some physio from someone who knows runners and running!

I had a heel pain this morning, it was mild, it’s only in one foot! What’s the advice?