Ashton Court Park Run: a hot hill - Bridge to 10K

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Ashton Court Park Run: a hot hill

ktsok profile image
13 Replies

The Ashton Court Park Run course description states: “From the start to the turning point there is an ascent of around 100m. This is mostly a steady climb, although two short stretches are quite steep. Nobody should be put off by this. There is no shame in walking the steep bits - they’re always followed by some respite and at the turning point you’re rewarded with fantastic views over Bristol and the surrounding countryside, and the promise of 2.5km downhill to the finish.”

I did suggest to the other half that running 2.5km uphill might be quite hard going for a first-timer and a sporadic runner with a bad knee, but he wanted to go ‘for the views’. We had gone easy on the booze the night before; there was only enough for one and a half gin and tonics each and we walked away from the second half of a bottle of wine.

The alarm roused us at an unwelcome hour and we pushed each other out of bed, groaning a bit. He made coffee and I drank it while he faffed about with his outfit, finally emerging in a pair of swim shorts, a cotton t-shirt and a pair of trainers that were half a size too small. Then a dash across town into a parking spot just outside the Ashton Court grounds with 9 minutes until the 9am start.

I had suggested we jog very slowly to the start to warm up - what I hadn’t realised was it was almost 2km to the start line. Oops. Bless him, he didn’t talk much, but manfully strode on and I felt very proud of him. I’m not sure if I would have been so sanguine had the boot been on the other foot.

A nice Marshall told us they didn’t start until 9:10am after ‘the talk’, so we had time to pee behind a tree and get to the start with a few minutes to spare. Then we were off!

Get this, everyone. The first 2.5km are UPHILL. 100m of UPHILL. Good Lord. We were going pretty darn slow, but the sun was up and body temperatures were rising. Had it been colder I’m sure we could have created our own weather system from the steam rising from our 451 collective bodies. All about me I could hear heavy, laboured breathing. We walked several times and actually, I don’t think we were overtaken much at walking pace. That’s how steep the bugger was.

My Garmin wouldn’t start, which was really annoying. I restarted it later and it works again now, but I was hoping to use it to help with pace, know how far we had gone - and how high! As it happened, our bodies dictated the pace more than adequately. Tony was amazing. I encouraged him to walk several times but I’m not sure who needed to walk more! We got chatting to a man running at a similar pace - I’m quite impressed that we were able to converse whilst running uphill.

Goodness knows how long it took to get to the halfway point at the top of the hill but it was a wonderful moment, knowing it was downhill the whole way back. I reckon I did the last 2.5k in a record time, I felt like I was flying. I paused a few times to make sure Tony was still going but then couldn’t resist just freewheeling down the long hill. It felt amazing, creating that cool breeze and the views were indeed wonderful.

I chatted to another lady for a minute or so near the finish, paused to see Tony appear alive around the corner and then sprinted for the line to finish in 35:29. He came in at a smiling 36:35.

It was great. We agreed a once-a-month Park Run would be a very good thing to do. Then we walked back up the bloody hill.

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ktsok profile image
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13 Replies
cheekychipmunks profile image

That’s one of my local parkruns ktsok! I love doing Ashton Court, the thrill of having done the hill and turning at the top knowing that the rest is all downhill is fantastic isn’t it? Shame I wasn’t there this weekend. We’re on hols.

Glad you both enjoyed The Hill, and well done! 🏃‍♀️🏃👊👍

ktsok profile image
ktsok in reply to cheekychipmunks

We will be back, Cheeky!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to ktsok

Great, let me know when! 👏👏

Jell6 profile image

Great stuff, so glad your knee held out.

And what a happy and gorgeous photo of you both 🤗

Sandraj39 profile image

Well done - great post - you ALMOST made want to try this one!😉 (What a shame it's too far away!) Seriously, it does sound fantastic, if incredibly challenging! Great time too, given the hill!💪🙂

ktsok profile image
ktsok in reply to Sandraj39

Thank you!

Stephen_UK profile image

Well done with the hill.

It ranks at 495 (out of 519) in the steepest UK courses: that’s a pretty tough run.

Nice detailed report and great photos. Don’t know how you can drink the night before, even if it was just one or two. That would finish me off!

ktsok profile image
ktsok in reply to Stephen_UK

Good grief! Thanks for that stat - I’m feeling better about the run as a result!

Dexy5 profile image

Well done ktsok, I’ve resisted the temptation to join cheeky at this one 😂😂

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Resisted for the moment Dexy! 😅😅😅

ktsok profile image
ktsok in reply to Dexy5

The downhill feels such a reward; makes it worth it!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to ktsok

Too right it does. 👍

Couchpotato2 profile image

Haha hills and the love of them.

Sounds very similar to my morning hill, was only 1km though but still 100m. A killer. Lovely pictures!!

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