I can't get motivated: I need a real good kick... - Bridge to 10K

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I can't get motivated

alisonx profile image
15 Replies

I need a real good kick up the bum

I can't get motivated to get up in the mornings and go for a run :-( i was doing this regular before winter and the dark mornings, and now i just can't get back into it. I always seem to have a reason (kids mostly) as to why i can't go out in the evenings now as well.

Trouble is i get so angry with myself every morning because the alarm is set (3 of them actually :-)) so i wake up to "snooze" them and then don't get up, then i think it's ok i can go out in the evening and that doesn't happen and so the cycle continues.

I just need to do it once and i have at least started but currently i just repeatedly fail

Anyone got any good butt kicking tips/advice?

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alisonx profile image
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15 Replies
Dave58 profile image

What was it that got you motivated in the beginning? Think about that and then just put on your running gear go out the door and go for it. Don't matter how far or how fast just go for a run and hopefully it will all come back. Good luck

alisonx profile image
alisonxGraduate10 in reply to Dave58

thanks dave58 that is a good question, will need to take a good think about that and hope it does the trick

lexi6 profile image

Your kids are great reasons Alison, but I reckon you should disarm your snooze button and find a really rousing, upbeat song which makes you happy and makes you want to get up. Maybe even set your running gear out the night before. Don’t beat yourself up.

alisonx profile image
alisonxGraduate10 in reply to lexi6

i might try the song thing! I have my running gear ready but it fails to move me lol - thanks Lexi

Deals1 profile image

Hi.. I know exactly how you feel!! I've been the same recently!!

hit snooze, ( I have 2 alarms!)as feel too tired to get out there, then feel in a bad mood with myself for not doing it!!!

So I posted last week 'laziness and gremlins' and got LOADS of great advice ( I knew I would, which is why I posted) so it might be useful for you to read some of the posts I received.

Anyways don't be too hard on yourself...just try and go out and enjoy it, don't set times or distance, just try and enjoy it. Try to think how much better you'll feel after you've done it. maybe think of a little reward. Try some new music, podcasts, new routes...

Good luck

let us know how you get on

alisonx profile image
alisonxGraduate10 in reply to Deals1

will do thank you :-)

Flaraflarkin profile image

Ooh Alison, I can sooo relate to this feeling (as you well know!) Inspiring posts on here, and/or making myself accountable on here usually does the trick for me ~ but everything in life is fluid, nothing stays the same, everything changes, so you will run.... it's just when?! ~ my guess is that just by writing this post you're gonna stick those running shoes on and before you know it you'll be out the door 🤗 As Oldfloss says "you're mojo's hiding in your trainers" go and put them on! Or set a goal for yourself 😱🏃‍♀️🦋

alisonx profile image
alisonxGraduate10 in reply to Flaraflarkin

thanks Flara - yes that is why i posted in part - to make myself accountable -now i have to prove i can do it - so that should be a pretty good kick up the bum! watch this space :-)

me2019 profile image

Getting angry really does nothing to help you. It is a learned response (getting angry after eating a cake, drinking too much, tv watching, etc.,) it is a sort of if this then this logic that actually doesn’t work on your motivational style. If I don’t run then I get angry.

If anger motivates you, then you’d be up and running.

So...there’s a reason your body is resisting. It could be that it’s afraid to continue in case you actually change. It will resist change. So, I’d suggest being really soft and kind and understanding to yourself. You might even want to tell yourself: “running doesn’t change who I am, I’m still me. Running complements who I am. Nothing’s going to change on a fundamental level. I’ll still like what I like. “ or something like that.

Deep at play is a schema that’s running its programme. To nudge it, you’ll need to be understanding and very kind.

I know the above may seem odd, yet we tend to run programmes (patterns) in our life. A way to break the pattern is to recognise its presence.

Good running :) you’ll be up and running when your mind trusts that all is still ok when you run. :)

Whatsapp profile image

10% motivation / 90% discipline. Motivation is too fickle to rely on.

To give yourself some motivation give yourself a goal. Book an event, target a PB, etc. whether at your current level or something you've not done before like a HM. Then get yourself a training plan and get to it.

I have missed runs when the duvet has been too warm to leave. Every single time I have regretted it later. The days I have got up and run, I have never regretted my choice to do so.

The benefits are felt at the end, I don't give my mind any time to question whether I want to do it or not. Morning runs are great cos they make you feel bullet-proof. Doesn't matter what you do with the rest of your day, as you have already got out in the fresh air and done some quality exercise.

All you have got to do is promise yourself you will get up and run, You wont regret it.

alisonx profile image
alisonxGraduate10 in reply to Whatsapp

thanks - yes i keep promising myself and then letting myself down -so need to find the way of keeping such promises. I know how great i will feel once i have done it, it's just getting up to do it! such great advice here so surely something will trigger

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappGraduate10 in reply to alisonx

The fact you are on here asking means you do want it. I guess you need to visualise how you will feel when you have finished.

cheekychipmunks profile image

Here’s a tip for you: Get out there! Go on! ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️ 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


What about treating yourself to something special as a reward? Food item (always works for me), get your hair/nails done, whatever floats your boat. You might find it helps get you motivated again and, like you said, once you’ve broken the cycle of reluctance to run, you might find yourself back on track, especially now that spring has arrived! 😀

Pop on some groovy tunes, pick a nice day (no point in struggling against the elements) and see what happens.

We’re always here to cheer you on, you know that don’t you? Go on Alison! 👊👍❤️

alisonx profile image
alisonxGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

thanks cheeky. I have my wonderful evening park run tomorrow which i will enjoy, it's just a case of getting a routine of mornings back on track for the other days :-)

I think a reward is a great idea, am gonna go pick something and if i can do 1 week (habit forming) i can get the reward!

Jell6 profile image

Well those arrows that Cheeky uses so well have worked for me on occasion 🤩

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