Woke up to a distinctly foggy morning, but jumped out of bed/levered myself to upright, got ready, picked up couchpotato2 and headed for a flat parkrun, with foglights on. Thankfully the sun was already burning of the mist as we got out of the car. Another runner tried to sabotage CP2 by parking so close she couldn't open her car door, but we were ready for that, and I moved the car. Crisis averted, we found the meeting point, then toddled off to the start point. I moved ahead as we got going, but I was feeling quite lead footed. I was careful not to overdo it, but when we reached the 4k mark, I was feeling ok so I thought I would speed up for the last k. Err, no, it turned out I was NOT going to speed up! Legs said no!π
I watched helpless as a woman powerwalked off into the distance. So I finished at much the same speed, feeling deflated, but my time came in at 33.44, only 10 seconds slower than my pb, so I'm now feeling quite chuffed. And ready to build fitness up again. CP2, on wk9 of c25k, ran the whole course, so we celebrated with cake and coffee. And an enormously creamy hot chocolate for Couchy!π Go us!