My left ankle has been playing up for a week or two! Stiff in the morning when i wake up, a certain level of discomfort during the day and when walking, but absolutely fine when running! Weird huh? I’ve done a 5k, 7.5k and 6k this week, not unusual distances for me. I’ve done all the usual stretches, elevated my foot in the evening when resting, even tried using my foam roller but no relief. It’s not swollen and I haven’t knocked it or tripped up. Has anyone had similar issues or can suggest other exercises or stretches to help. I don’t want to bother my GP as I can run normally so it can’t be too serious. Thanks.
Ankle issues: My left ankle has been playing... - Bridge to 10K
Ankle issues

Foam roller your calves and stretch, do the step rise/fall exercise. Tight calves can affect your ankle.
Also sit on the floor on your knees and put your knees on the edge of the foam roller. This really stretches out all the lower areas like feet, ankles, calves but go gently. If everything's tight then this will not be easy the first time. Build up to holding for 30 seconds and repeat twice more.

Another thought. What shoes are you wearing when you're not running? Are you flat footed? Perhaps you need more support in non-running shoes.

And another suggestion which I was given by my sports physio to strengthen ankles: stand on one leg with other knee raised for 30 seconds, then the other leg. once you can do that, try it with your eyes closed. Have fun.

If your foot is swollen then I would take that as a sign not to run.
No, there’s no swelling, thank goodness 😄
My mistake.
Ankles have relatively poor blood flow so it may take some time.
I cycled after I turned my ankle, as it keeps the joint mobile, improves blood flow without putting load on it.

It sounds like my husbands ankle! He doesn’t run due to arthritis in his spine but used to. Funnily he said today that he didn’t think it would hurt if he ran. But he manages it for walking (we walk most days 5miles, but do do 10 plus some times) by strapping it up, wearing boots to support it and occasionally resorts to anti inflammatory gel. He is seeing a surgeon this week as it just isn’t getting better. So if it doesn’t clear up I’d get some medical advice. Good luck. 🙂

I can't give any advice but hope it eases soon

Have you tried compression socks LT? I used one on my dodgy ankle/foot when I had plantar fasciitis back at the start of C25K, and I continued wearing it for a while on my way to 10k too, just for the placebo effect!
I’m not saying you have PF, but you might want to give the socks a try. Good luck! 😀