Wk1 R2... Magic10 : 5.5k Done 💪 Wow that was... - Bridge to 10K

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Wk1 R2... Magic10

22 Replies

5.5k Done 💪

Wow that was hard... I should’ve done this run last night, but I didn’t make it, so this morning I was ready!

Started off well, nice & steady... Mardy bum was the first track on my playlist, & was quite apt, as I was still annoyed with myself for not running last night... however by the end of the song I was no longer a ‘Mardy bum’ 🤣🙌

Got to 2 miles nice & easy then, then it hit me... I could hardly feel my feet 🤯 I was trying to power through, but I couldn’t ignore it anymore, turned the music up Charlatans, Sproston Green, & kept on, by the end of the song, I could no longer feel my feet & it was creeping into my legs 😩 Walked for a few seconds, ran a few seconds & repeated till it felt ok to run again... this is the furthest I’ve been in my new trainers, maybe they’re not laced right, too tight? I don’t know?

As the run came to an end I finished it with Radiohead, Fake Plastic Trees, & well... this brought a whole load of emotion... Proud to have carried on, pleased with my time... & amazingly as soon as the run was over legs felt ok... feet still a bit tingly, but not half as bad🤷‍♀️

Maybe I went off to fast, I felt as tho I was taking it easy, but actually looking at the splits I went a lot quicker than usual.

This was a tough run, but it’s done 💪

22 Replies

5.5K… Back of the net Dreams! 🙌

“I’ve seen your frown and it's like looking down the barrel of a gun…

And it goes off….!” 🔫

Love a bit of Arctic monkeys! 🐒

I can play that one on the Ukulele……randomly! 🤣

Weird with your feet?? Hopefully the new shoes are just settling in, it could be that you tied them a bit tight at the very top and circulation was struggling? I’ve absolutely no idea…

Hopefully that sorts itself out...pronto!

Nice finish though, can't beat a bit of Radiohead!

Good job you! You've smashed this weeks long run... 👊💥👊💥👊💥

in reply to

Ukulele... you’re a man of many talents! 🎶👌

I wasn’t to be messed with this morning 😬

I was argumentative... & I had a face on! 🐒

I’m gonna try them tied a bit looser next time, they felt ace at first... then it just hit me, no real build up... Strange!

I’m taking that 5.5 tho, even with a tiny bit of walking, I felt I earned it🙌

Never had a finish like today’s before, I was so glad to have done it & it was fuelled by the music! ...

Are you on for your intervals today? 💪🤩

in reply to

Yes, a man of MINI talents I am...

Wow Dreams! Loving the feisty attitude! 👿

That was odd with the trainers, I think there is a bit of a nak to tying them, I think your supposed to pull each row of laces rather than just pulling at the top bits, that's what the bloke did in the running shop when he tied my shoes for me...

(a very odd experience indeed!)

Aah amazing! so glad you had a great finish, really makes you feel alive doesn't it.

Other half had a nasty cough all night... I was a bit 'mardy bum' myself too actually with the lack of sleep. So delayed my run 'til this evening - was looking forward to that 2.5k too...I'll go get it later on 😃

in reply to

Thanks for the tip about tying the laces! 👌

I can just imagine you sat there having yours tied! 🤣👑🍇

Hope your other half is feeling much better & you all have good sleeps tonight 🤞😴

That 2.5k is yours for the taking... go get it Thundersloth 🙌🤩

in reply to

Thanks Dreams (she’s still coughing 😷)

I don’t think I’d ever get used to that... another man tying my shoelaces for me, it’s a very uncomfortable feeling indeed 😳

Ooh tell you what Dreams... bloomin enjoyed that 2.5K and loving that 30-20-10 thang 😛

in reply to

Oh no, hopefully a quick recovery is on the cards! 🙏

Hahaa, I can just imagine you... talk about awkward moment! 🤯🤣👟

Awesome work with the 2.5k sounds like it was a great run! Glad you enjoyed it! I’ll definitely give the 30-20-10 a go next week! 🤩👌

Sandie1961 profile image

Fantastic, well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 You’re probably right - combination of new trainers, tied a bit tight and setting off a bit fast. Oh, and not forgetting you ran 5.5k 😃😃😃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

in reply to Sandie1961

Thanks Sandie, I’m thinking the same... a combination of things! Hopefully they’ll feel better on the next run! 🙏

Dragonflies profile image

I am full of admiration for your achievement and determination! You were very quick to address that missed run, well done! One of my biggest challenges is to take it slow at the beginning, especially if I feel frustrated about something...

I do hope your feet feel better soon, ready for the next run 🏃‍♀️

in reply to Dragonflies

Ah, thanks Dragonflies, I was all good to go last night... even dressed in my gear! So pleased I got stuck in to it today! 🙌

I think you’re right... running whilst feeling frustrated is probably going to speed things up!

Slow & steady is what I need! 🙌

Are you planning to be out again soon? I hope the hills are kind! 👌

Dragonflies profile image
Dragonflies in reply to

I returned to “motionsslinga 1” yesterday and worked treble hard at starting slowly and stay slow. Managed to keep the same average pace as on the “killer motionsslinga” last Friday, and this made the run really enjoyable despite the el. gain of 36. When I only had 9 minutes left I felt a real urge to speed up and kept the slightly faster pace all the way to the end, which is a first for me, so super pleased with that. I am already cooking a plan for tomorrow’s run. Will let you know how it goes 😁

PS. And not long ago did those 8 minute runs nearly totally kill me, unbelievable!!!

in reply to Dragonflies

Wow Dragonflies, you’re amazing! Sounds like you gave your all visiting motionsslinga1 again! 🤩👌

I’m intrigued for tomorrow’s run plan... please let us know how you go!

I know it is so crazy... those 8mins seemed so tough... now after 8 mins I’m settling into the run! 🤩🙌

ju-ju- profile image

well done... as the runs get longer try and start out really slowly as that will help you get through to a strong finish :)

in reply to ju-ju-

Thanks for your advice Ju-ju! I shall definitely take it with me on future runs 🤩🙌👌

kwell39 profile image

Fantastic job on the finish!! Way to go! Trainers may have been too tight. I have done that a couple times myself. I lace them much looser these days.

in reply to kwell39

Thanks kwell39! It was a rewarding finish today! 🤩🙌

Thanks for the heads up with the trainers! I’ll try lacing mine looser too! ... hopefully it was a one off! 🙏

Dexy5 profile image

Well done on your run Dreams79.

Do you have a thumbs width distance between your toes and the front of your shoe? Mine are half to one size bigger than my normal shoes. Also your feet swell as they get warm on the run so do allow for that when you do your laces up. Enjoy!

in reply to Dexy5

Thanks Dexy5!

Yeah they’re a generous fit... I’m hoping it happened because I tied them too tightly! It was really mild yesterday too, so could of been a combination!

Thank you for your advice! 😊👌

IgaT profile image

5.5K - wow! You are smashing it!

Well done on finishing despite some turbulences!

in reply to IgaT

Thanks IgaT! 🙌🤩

Despite the turbulence it felt good to get to 5.5k 🏃‍♀️🙌

Deals1 profile image

Well done. 👍😁🏃

in reply to Deals1

Thanks Deals1! 🤩🙌

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