Hi there, I don't post much but I keep up with you all and what's going on. Your posts have all helped me loads, hoping maybe this will help someone else somewhere.
I started doing JuJus magic 10 and I did the 7k run last week which was ok but not easy and this week was the 8k, and for some reason I got quite worried about doing it and this wasn't helped by a really tough 5k Sunday evening, so I didn't think I'd be able to do it
As I got ready for a run last night after using Mapmyrun.... a lot...... to plan, then re-plan, then replan again a route (with no hills near the end etc.) I still had a backup 5k plan in the back of my mind so if I didn't feel it I could re-route and come back sooner.
So I started off and attempted to slow myself down, bizarrely I find this quite difficult I always seem to run at my limit and struggle to ease off, I have been running at just under 6mins/km for 5k so was aiming for 6.30 to 7 mins/km for this run, so the first km was at 6, darn it, but then I managed to steady up a bit and got to 6.30 and kept it about there and then it just worked, I felt good I wasn't getting too out of breath and thought wow I may actually be able to do 8k........ I think
My meticulously planned route turned out to be longer in real life so I wasn't as near to home at 8k as I thought but I still felt fine so just carried on, got to 9k, nearly there, 9.5k and just approaching the house still feeling ok, so I thought I can't stop here when only a few minutes from a 10k so went round the block and did my first ever 10k
Still can't quite believe it, I'm so pleased that I did It, and it was not too bad, I felt worse after the 5k on Sunday evening! The key for me was to make myself steady up a bit and then it all felt so much easier.
Amazing what you can do when you're least expecting it.
Great plan by the way Juju I've really appreciated it and yours and others comments around it.
I still can't believe it, I was struggling with the idea of running for a whole minute back in March, now thanks to C25k and JuJus magic 10 I have run for 1hr and 6 minutes and done 10k. What a great website, great programs and great positive members.