Finally went to see a physio, the diagnosis is arthritis brought on by having flat feet. I know I already have this in the other foot but it doesn’t give me any pain, apparently after a while this will be the same but it could be months or a year until it gets to that stage There is some good news however; running does not make it any worse, it might even be beneficial, I have some strengthening exercises to do also. The joys of getting old!
. . . anyway I shall be starting running again after the weekend, looking forward to that. I would be really interested to hear if anybody else here has arthritis in the feet and if and how it effects their running . . . have a good running weekend everybody
Top of foot pain diagnosis – arthritis in foot - Bridge to 10K
Top of foot pain diagnosis – arthritis in foot

This getting old lark is no fun is it? Jealous that you're going to be running again - I've got at least another three weeks to wait. Have fun!

I have arthritis and flat feet too. The flat feet is what stopped me running 25 years ago as it became so painful. A burning pain right up through the bottom of my foot , from heel to toe. I went last year to see a specialist at the hospital re having corrective bunion surgery. Not for cosmetic reasons or to wear high heels as I’ve never liked heels but I get so fed up of my big toes crossing across the next toe, pushing it over and then the next ones too and also constantly rubbing blisters under my big toe on left foot where it is squashed by the second toe when walking. This gets wore in summer when my feet swell.
I had given up all ideas of being able to do anything about it and the consultant was a right misery. He said “ you have arthritis in the big toes joint so the only op I could do is to break the joint and trim some away and then put a metal splint inside the toe to hold it straight “. I asked if this would then be removed later once it had healed and he said “ no, it will always be there , you will not be able to bend the toe again”.
I said that I’d read about another op where they put wires in and straighten it that way and he said “ oh that is for people who have not left it this long. You don’t qualify for this plus it cannot be done because of the arthritis”. ( he was a REAL charmer)
The annoying thing is I have asked for the op for about 30 years in and off and always been told “ oh it’s not bad enough yet!!!”
Anyway after several years the actual foot stopped hurting , even the bunions don’t hurt either. The occasional blister on the side on a hot day or after lots of walking but nothing much. Then I started doing Pilates and I do several Pilates strengthening and flexibility exercises on my feet with this. Also rolling them in the spiky Pilates balls, which feels lovely. And I find my feet feel much better for it
Also when my daughter approached me about doing Couch25k I was sceptical at first because of my tendency to rub blisters so she suggested toe socks. I said I thought they’d rub more but she bought me a couple of pairs to see and I have not looked back!!!! She bought me some Karrimor ones which I love, then I bought myself some more Injinji ones which are a bit dearer but my favourite patterns from Amazon and then she has since bought me some others from EBay. I now wear no other socks at all for running or day to day.
Don’t know if this helps at all. Oh and Epsom Salts to soak your feet in after a run- works wonders
Thanks for taking the time to write . . . it’s really helpful to hear of other people’s experiences. About three years ago I had a stress fracture in my left foot and while seeing a specialist he told me I had arthritis in my right foot. This came as a total shock because I has never had any pain in that foot and still haven’t. I was worried this would mean I couldn’t run any more, but it was just the opposite he advised me to keep running. So all in all I guess it shouldn’t come as a big shock that I have arthritis in my left foot now also, at least I know running is not making any worse. I have a busy week this week but I shall make to get back out there, I’m looking forward to it. Thanks for socks tip, I don’t generally suffer from blisters but I am curious about these so I have ordered a pair to give them a try
My daughter suggested them years ago and I said “oh I won’t like them”. Now I wish I’d tried them sooner. The little ties are a bit awkward but you get used to it quickly.
Funniest bit was when she ordered some for me from China, and when they arrived in the customs label it said “ 6 fingered socks”!! We laughed and made jokes about them being for people from Combe Martin (DEEPEST Devon 😜 where they give each other a high 6).

Sorry to hear about the arthritis, but good to hear you’ll be out running again soon
Arthritis is a real pain but hopefully you’ll be able to run if it’s not exacerbating it, and it may well help. I’ve arthritis in my hips and knees but since I’ve been doing regular gym work outs and running it hasn’t bothered me at all.
Yes I have been told it can be helpful to run. I’m not agony and generally I don’t really feel it much when running but I was concerned when I thought it was an injury that I might be making it worse by running. Anyway the running shoes will be back on later today and I will be making a steady return
I have arthritis in both feet and monumental bunions. I’ve seen what the articulations look like with ultrasound and it’s (or was) pretty craggy in there. I wear CorrectToes spacers as often as I can and wide toe box trainers to run, using the spacers, which are designed for runners. From being in considerable pain I now have none and my toe flexibility is returning steadily. You might want to investigate.