Hello - starting my 10k journey.: I graduated... - Bridge to 10K

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Hello - starting my 10k journey.

Raven2016 profile image
16 Replies

I graduated from C25k back in January, and I am hoping to be able to do a local 10k in May. No ambitions about "racing" but I would like to be able to run the whole way round it.

I am letting you lovely people know this because I have found it quite difficult to be as disciplined with my running as I would like, and I think regularly posting here like I did through c25k might help me focus a bit more and actually get through the program.(And it's always nice to talk to you all, of course!)

I started with Sami, but the 4 x 10 minutes with walking intervals were too tough - I really haven't liked stopping/starting since the 20 minute non-stop run in w5 of c25k. So I have started again this week with an Asics plan instead. Run 1 was hilarious - the woman kept telling me I was going too fast. Even walking I was going too fast. So I've moved on to the next run now (I did try to do w1r1 properly, twice - I think that'll have to do)

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Raven2016 profile image
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16 Replies
Irishprincess profile image

Hello and welcome Raven. If you look at the pinned posts on the right you'll see that ju-ju- created a programme, similar to C25K, to build up to 10K. If you need discipline then this could be just right for you.

In the meantime keep posting, and running of course 🤗

Raven2016 profile image
Raven2016 in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you. I'll take a look at ju-ju's program :)

JaySeeSkinny profile image

The bridge to 10k podcasts are quite hard, especially if you're only a recent graduate. I consolidated with all sorts of things after graduation. The c25k+ podcasts are good for building up stamina (more of Laura and her music though), but I also did intervals and run/walk, which I actually quite enjoy. Plus increasing my distance on my own without any programme. After about 6 months I did the bridge to 10k programme, but only one or two of them a week, the other runs were shorter, or intervals. I never really finished it (due to holiday etc), but am up to 10k anyway. One day I'll do it again.

You'll be fine for your 10k run and if you're doing a programme you won't overdo it. That's always the risk when trying to ramp things up. Take care and enjoy!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to JaySeeSkinny

I agree with your comments JaySeeSkinny .

I found and still do find the C25K+podcasts really useful and then trying lots of other things too; besides Sami...It is great fun getting to 10K as long as we do it our own way, and as you say follow something that keeps is injury free:)

Biscuit0107 profile image

HI there Raven2016 and welcome to Bridge to 10k. Hearing everyone's stories moving on from c25k, I think it's fair to say there's loads of ways to get there! I just did lots of 5 to 6k runs twice a week and gradually increased the distance on run three by about 10% a run to get to 10k. Which ever way you choose, welcome to the forum.

27claire profile image

I've been using the Zenlabs C210k app and it's brilliant, I cheated slightly as I wasn't technically starting from the couch so started on about week 4. Not had to repeat a week yet which I did with C25k so really pleased. Would really recommend it 😀

Bazza1234 profile image

Are you using an App for this ? Which one and what kind of phone??

Raven2016 profile image
Raven2016 in reply to Bazza1234

Hi Bazza, I' was using the Myasics app, on an android phone. But now I'm using the app to tell me what I should be running, and then use zombies run and my own music to actually run it. Bit more fun than the miserable Nancy...

Anniemurph profile image

Nagging Nancy! I christened the Asics woman Nagging Nancy because no matter what I did, I was doing it wrong :D I was too slow... I was too fast. I was too slow again. I had this image of her sitting on a porch in Texas sipping a mint julep, filing her long red nails, chatting to other Asics monitors and every so often checking in on me. Having said all that, going slowly at the start is important, because it builds stamina and gets your muscles built up and ready. Have a look at other plans though - I did better on the Bupa 10k one. Happy running :)

Raven2016 profile image
Raven2016 in reply to Anniemurph

She is very disappointed in me..and doesn't hesitate to say so. They could have found a more cheerful voice, couldn't they. I'm using the plan without the app, and actually running with zombies run. Which is much more fun!

misswobble profile image

I think most of us new to running haven't an inkling about racing but if you do get the opportunity for a local one i would give it a whirl. I did my first one just to see how I would fare against others, to sort of check how I was doing. You never really know if you run on your own. As I was running round the hilly course I thought to myself as a 57 year old new runner, "who the hell do I think I'm kidding" Having thought that, but then clocked the Number of other women my age -and a lot older - I began to feel less out of place. After a short time I began to get into it and was exhilarated by it. It was an absolute blast! What fun! Who knew 😀 What a way to spend a cold Sunday March morning 😁 I do it again next week 🏅💪😀

So, don't rule it out 😀

Qscout profile image

Well done on taking this next step Raven, I love 10k distance. After I started them, I find 5k just too short.

For my 10k build up I went rogue.

I did two 5k runs a week to consolidate my c25k. In fact still do now amhald marathon training.

Then at the weekend I added 1k on each week to my long run. This gave me 5 weeks to get to 10k distance and didnt have the stop start running which I don't like.

Raven2016 profile image
Raven2016 in reply to Qscout

I think I might just do that, I haven't been enamoured of the plans I've had so far. I'm giving the asics plan another week but actually running to zombies run which is more fun than Nagging Nancy as Anniemurph so aptly calls her-and not paying much mind to the pace other than broadly trying to go fast, medium or slow.

JoolieB1 profile image

For me, after graduating, going back to intervals made it harder and I wanted to just run. I focussed on getting 5k something I did three times every week and it was fairly comfortable. On a good run day, I just kept going a bit longer and did a 5.5k! After that, I kept up 2 x 5k and had a "long run day" each week. Did a 6, 7, 8 and then a 10! Worked well for me, always at a comfortable pace too, no injuries

mfamilias profile image

Hi Raven, and congrats on pushing on to 10k! For 5-10k I did the same as many others have already said - just increasing one run per week, then doing two 5ks. I just went out, ran at my own pace, and pushed further once a week. I didn't know anything about "Nagging Nancy", although I am following a MyAsics plan at the moment. Where do you find the app? Must have a look. I ignore the timing part of it as like you I find the pace too slow on some runs. My Asics has just told me I'm running too fast. I think they've been smoking the carpet.

Raven2016 profile image
Raven2016 in reply to mfamilias

Hi mfamilias the app is on the Google play store (android phones) it is free, too. If you do a search for MyAsics you should find it.. But beware the dread Nancy!

Not what you're looking for?

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