Posted this in S&F as well
Since Novemeber last year I have had a bit of a niggle in my back (sacroiliac joint) and went to see my doc. She suggested a physio appointment and that came through a couple of weeks ago. After seeing the physio, she suggested a class for me. The upshot was yesterday I had my first session of Hydrotherapy.
I got to Guys hospital and was directed down to the basement. There I got into my swimming costume and into a warm pool. It was like the baby pools in the gyms, it came just above waist height and was warmer than a normal pool with a bar around the edge. Then I did half an hour of walking, striding, squats and swinging my legs about. Half way through I thought mmmmm not doing too much here but I suppose it will make some difference.
I had been told my glutes and core were a little weak so that was what we were working on.
Left the hospital and got on The bus home. Stood up to get off the bus and my legs and core felt like jelly. I couldn't believe the sort of workout they felt like they had had. Today I can feel an ache deep in the glutes, which is really good as that's exactly where I wanted to start to build up.
It's got me thinking has anyone got any experience of aqua aerobics? I'm wondering if that would do the same sort of job once I'm finished with my physio session as I'm really impressed with the way it works your body and have in the past felt that aqua aerobics was a soft option, but now have a new view on it. I'm looking to get a new gym membership in a couple of months and might look for one that has aqua aerobics now.