Hi, I am a breast cancer survivor and I am not shameful or shy about sharing that. I got diagnosed at the age of 28 and it was a hard path to tread on. But, what is even harder is when you are forced not to disclose the fact that you have breast cancer, or that you had breast cancer; because many people think that knowing you had breast cancer, it will leave a mark on you and your family forever. What's even worse is that you already have so many other things that you are worried about as a patient in treatment, and what people make it look like does not help your situation. I have a genetic mutation and I am very open about it. None of my family members have ever had cancer (leave alone Breast Cancer); but I have a genetic mutation that makes me susceptible to future recurrence (not now, since I had a mastectomy - removing of breasts and breast tissue- to take care of that) and I have about 49% chance of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Well, there it is. I have no shame in sharing that and I don't care what people will think of me or how they will treat my daughter when she grows up.
Our society and culture pays a lot of attention on what people may say or how they'll treat you. For me, health and awareness about issues related to health come before any thing else. It is my cancer and I had to deal with it. Please do not tell me who I can disclose it to. It gives me courage to have social support. If you cannot lend support, please do not stigmatize me, as I am a very important part of this world. I have added to research and science by being a clinical trial patient and I will help in contributing towards future development of medicine and technology. Do not ever look down upon me because of my illness or my genetic mutation.
I encourage everyone to be strong in fighting against this stigma that society has around Breast Cancer and disclosure of the disease.