hello, I’m in the UK. Have been on tamoxifen for 6 years after mastectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. I've still not had my 5th year follow up with the oncologist, when I call them they just say “sorry no capacity”.
Anyway long story short i came off tamoxifen about 3 months ago as i didn't want to just carry on taking it, worried about risk of getting other cancers as well as risk of blood clots etc.
Since coming off tamoxifen i feel better in myself, less anxious, skin is better, belly has reduced and just feel a bit happier. My GP is sympathetic but says it’s recommended for 10 years “do you want to risk your cancer coming back?”. I don’t know what to do and feel let down by my oncologist, i know the NHS is stretched etc but feeling a bit lost, has anyone else had similar experience?