Hi Ladies, I love this site, even though I don't reply, I read your posts & I want those of you who are going through this a second time to know it is helping dr's with first timers. I had invasion ductal cancer, rt breast, no lump, & it went into the rt. & lft. side lymph nodes, no lft. breast invasion. Put on Arimidex and ibrance, gone in 6 months. Great, and I'm assuming Arimidex for 5-10 yes. Wrong! Because they have learned that there "could be" a micro cancer cell somewhere I need to be on chemo and hormone pill for the rest of my life! I'm 61! What is the chemo going to do to me? I feel like the problems from the chemo/cure are going to be what I'll die from! I'm on 125mg ibrance & last month changed to Letrozole. I'm healthy and feel good. Is anyone else in this boat & how long have you been on chemo? I also recently from a blood test called " circulating tumor cell test" has anyone had this done? I see my Dr on 4/5, am having a bone density test this Thur. Thanks for letting me vent! Have a wonderful day. Here in Michigan where I live the sun is shining 😎!
Sort of frustrated: Hi Ladies, I love... - My Breast Cancer ...
Sort of frustrated
I share your ‘what for life???!!!’ sentiment.
I don’t think they have the answers and all their ‘could be’s’ are effectively human experiments, on us!!
I shall do what feels right for me and I guess the best you can do is what feels right for you. What I know is I feel
substantially worse now having done chemo.
I don’t know about the test but have feeling there might be. Can’t remember where I heard about it though. Undoubtedly not thro medical channels. More likely the holistic, functional medicine discussion.
On a separate note, have you seen Jane McLelland’s book: How to starve cancer?
It’s not a book about diet but how cancer cells feed and it’s incredibly well researched. I’ve decided that this is something I’d like to try because it gives me the information my medical team do not seem so keen to provide. There is a clinic running a similar protocol in London too with good results I’m told.
It’s worth a look.
Best of luck.