I was diagnosed with BC in 2009 and after lumpectomy, sentinel lymph node biopsy and radio was started on Tamoxifen for 10yrs. I was 33yrs at time of diagnosis.
I am about to start my 9th year of Tamoxifen and consider myself extremely lucky.
However in the last 6-9m I am struggling with severe endometriosis symptoms which are 2nday to the tamoxifen.
Due to the BC my treatment options for the endometriosis are rather limited.
The pain meds aren’t really working and I am heading down the road of a hysterectomy.
I am hoping to keep my ovaries but wondered what the thoughts were on here about this?
Also any top tips re diet/alternative therapies to help as I am not keen to keep taking more medications to counteract the side effects of my existing ones!
Any advice gratefully received!